World Design Day 2015: celebrating design process

29.04.2015 News
How are you designing today? was the flare sent out for this year's ico-D World Design Day (WDD) celebration - a ten-day countdown marking the 52nd anniversary of ico-D that lead to a burst of participation on 27 April, culminating in the successful launch of ico-D's Instagram account.
Building on WDD2014, a poster project lead by the statement: This is what a designer does, ico-D’s new multidisciplinary focus, How are you designing today? was a prompt to participants to showcase, in flash-form, what they do, and how they do it, across media, channels and disciplines.
ico-D's asked participants to share how their design process begins, who it involves, and what inspires them, suggesting designers: Go Public on Process, Design Together, Open Their Studio, Celebrate and Document Their Process – in any medium.
The campaign garnered hundreds of global submissions to FB, Twitter and Instagram with over 100 Instagram followers in one day.
“Thought processes on top of thought processes”
A flurry of WDD2105 posts from all over the world included 3-D installations, mind-maps, workspace displays, and gatherings organised to discuss and document how designing today is about collaboration and brainstorming across disciplines, and the investment in the usage of new, digital organizational systems to make the creative aspect of designing more effective and relevant.
Submission by Arez Ezman of ico-D Member wREGA Graphic Design Association of Malaysia
Localized process: "A different polished state"
In Montreal, ico-D toured the Concordia University Forward Slash 2015 Design and Computation Arts graduating students exhibition (30 April - 1 May). When interviewed on design process, students remarked that quality of learning and outcomes was higher if the process was collaborative and expertise across disciplines was shared.
Designer Raed Moussa of Montreal of Dpt. lead ico-D through its professional design studio, emphasizing how more research, team sharing, and new organizational tools are becoming an integral part of "pre-processing" stages to achieve, what Raed termed, "a different polished state" on design projects.
ico-D thanks all participants worldwide for their support of this celebration, continuing a 52-year history of global outreach and advocacy for the value of design.
ico-D Member held an eco-poster trienal and sustainable design lecture series as part of WDD2015.
Students of Han Chiang College, Malaysia, set up a table in the cafeteria to showcase their process and sketches.
For more information about WDD2015 check out:
WDD facebook group page, Twitter and Instagram using #wdd2015 and @theicod
(WDD) is an opportunity to recognise design and its capacity for change in the world - and to celebrate the birthday of ico-D! The goal of WDD is to challenge designers to reflect deeply on the well-being of people within their local environments, and to find innovative solutions to local needs by using design as a vehicle to honor diversity, transcend borders, and improve quality of life. In 2015 ico-D announced World Design Day as part of its new multidisciplinary strategy. Marking the anniversary of ico-D’s establishment on 27 April 1963, participants worldwide are invited to gather, innovate, and live out a moment of design by organizing public events and initiatives on 27 April of each year.


in memoriam: essam abu awad (1958-2021)

in memoriam: yu bingnan (1933–2020)