12.05.2008 News
Montreal (Canada) - CONCEPTS FOR ALL is an internet image bank offering visual concepts to promote humanitarian causes. The main topics are: human rights, the environment, refugee and immigration issues, racism, disease prevention, war and violence, abuse of women and children, illiteracy, social isolation, etc.
CONCEPTS FOR ALL's objective is to assist non-governmental and non-profit organisations at work in the developing world by supporting their communication needs with powerful visual metaphors through which meanings and messages can be easily understood.
The CONCEPTS FOR ALL project was initiated and developed by Nelu Wolfensohn, a professor at the Ãcole de design of Université du Québec ? Montréal (UQAM). Prof. Wolfensohn is an internationally known poster designer. The images were created in the fall of 2007 within the framework of a workshop attended by students in their final year of the graphic design program. Students generously waived their copyright to the concepts developed. Ronald Filion-Malette Jr., a highly regarded webmaster and part-time lecturer with the Ãcole de design, developed the CONCEPT FOR ALL website, which is hosted on the UQAM server.
Above: Users may download images from the CONCEPTS FOR ALL
website after completing a short form about their organisation.
All the images are copyright-free and can be downloaded without charge by interested organisations. They can be used for posters, brochures, pamphlets, or, as digital images, for websites and electronic mailing. There is no accompanying text, but words can be inserted afterward by users according to their needs and in their own language.
To download, the user browses an index, chooses a topic, views all related images (which can be enlarged), selects the concept that fits the need and downloads the files after completing a short questionnaire about the organisation. The image format is 50 cmx70 cm and can easily be reduced or enlarged. A 70 cmx100 cm format is available on special demand.
Looking ahead, the CONCEPT FOR ALL project will be implemented each academic year, ensuring a continuous flow of fresh ideas.
For more information:
Ãcole de design UQAM
Université du Québec ? Montréal
PO Box 8888, Centre-Ville Station
Montreal Quebec
H3P 3P8 Canada
T: +1 514 987 3000 x 3928
CONCEPTS FOR ALL's objective is to assist non-governmental and non-profit organisations at work in the developing world by supporting their communication needs with powerful visual metaphors through which meanings and messages can be easily understood.
The CONCEPTS FOR ALL project was initiated and developed by Nelu Wolfensohn, a professor at the Ãcole de design of Université du Québec ? Montréal (UQAM). Prof. Wolfensohn is an internationally known poster designer. The images were created in the fall of 2007 within the framework of a workshop attended by students in their final year of the graphic design program. Students generously waived their copyright to the concepts developed. Ronald Filion-Malette Jr., a highly regarded webmaster and part-time lecturer with the Ãcole de design, developed the CONCEPT FOR ALL website, which is hosted on the UQAM server.
Above: Users may download images from the CONCEPTS FOR ALL
website after completing a short form about their organisation.
All the images are copyright-free and can be downloaded without charge by interested organisations. They can be used for posters, brochures, pamphlets, or, as digital images, for websites and electronic mailing. There is no accompanying text, but words can be inserted afterward by users according to their needs and in their own language.
To download, the user browses an index, chooses a topic, views all related images (which can be enlarged), selects the concept that fits the need and downloads the files after completing a short questionnaire about the organisation. The image format is 50 cmx70 cm and can easily be reduced or enlarged. A 70 cmx100 cm format is available on special demand.
Looking ahead, the CONCEPT FOR ALL project will be implemented each academic year, ensuring a continuous flow of fresh ideas.
For more information:
Ãcole de design UQAM
Université du Québec ? Montréal
PO Box 8888, Centre-Ville Station
Montreal Quebec
H3P 3P8 Canada
T: +1 514 987 3000 x 3928
About the Université du Quebec ? Montreal
The Ãcole de design of the Université du Quebec ? Montreal is a member of the Icograda Education Network (IEN), bringing together the worldwide community of communication design educational institutions. The IEN was inaugurated at a meeting in Brno, Czech Republic in June 2002. Participation is open to all schools offering specific post-secondary programs in communication design according to the specific conditions in each country. IEN schools are able to take part in all programs and projects, and are invited to propose and host IEN projects and events.


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