05.04.2001 News
Icograda Regional Meeting in Cuba
11 > 12 June 2001
Casa de las Americas, Habana, Cuba
La Habana (Cuba) - Latin America is often considered a remote region where nothing happens on the graphic design scene - Latin America has a lot to offer but the world doesn't know it! Latin America has forged a rich and diversified culture in which graphic design has developed. Over the past decades Latin America had to face tremendous changes: political, technological, social, cultural, and environmental. In order to better understand how these changes have influenced the graphic design scene, Icograda will organize a Regional Meeting, an important gathering of representatives of graphic design in these countries. All facets of graphic design will be debated: professional day-to-day life, graphic design education, the Latin American style vs international trends, the contribution graphic design can make to influence people's life...
This will be a most valuable opportunity to express all the difficulties, challenges, and opportunities faced by Latin American graphic designers and to envision the future.
Participation in the Regional Meeting is by invitation only.
Applications can be sent to Icograda Secretariat, no later than May 15, 2001.
Participation is free of charge. Participants will pay for their own travel expenses and accommodation.
The Cuban Graphic Design Week
The Icograda Regional Meeting will be part of the Cuban Graphic Design Week to be held in June 2001 in Havana, which will include on 13 June an Icograda "Graphic Design Perspectives" Seminar, and on June 14 and 15, a symposium organized by Prografica (Cuba). Exhibitions and other events are also planned for this week dedicated to Graphic Design. The conferences will be in English and translated into Spanish.
Participation in these events will be free of charge, with previous registration. Participants will enjoy a very interesting, fruitful and valuable week!
Icograda is the representative international organization for graphic design and visual communication, with 68 member associations in 43 countries worldwide. Founded in London in 1963, Icograda holds consultative status with UNESCO, UNIDO, and the Council of Europe.
For more information
For Icograda Regional Meeting
C : Thierry Van Kerm
For Graphic Design Week information
C: Hector Villaverde, Prografica
T: + 537 61 2779
F: + 537 24 2744
Icograda Website, Calendar Area:
On 11 and 12 June, an Icograda Regional Meeting will be held at Casa de las Am ricas in Habana (Cuba). This Regional Meeting will be a unique opportunity for participants to meet and to discuss the state of Graphic Design in Latin America. This will also be a wonderful opportunity to create or revitalize links with colleagues and to face new challenges together.
The dramatic geopolitical and economical changes of the past decade have greatly affected the graphic design communities of Latin America. Graphic designers face numerous challenges and often operate under difficult circumstances. The Icograda Regional Meeting is an opportunity for representatives of the graphic design communities to share experiences and exchange information. An attempt will be made to forge a regional agenda which will foster shared activities permitting mutually beneficial cooperation.
The Icograda Regional Meeting will permit an open and candid exchange between participants and the Icograda Board. Delegates will have the opportunity to make short presentations on the situation in their countries. Presentations will be followed by discussions, workshops and the development of a regional agenda.
Icograda has already organized Regional Meetings in Istanbul, in Seoul, and in Copenhagen. These workshops were successful and effective in terms of participation, contacts and development. Another Regional Meeting is planned for Zagreb in April for Central and Eastern Europe. The Cuba Regional Meeting will be the first one in Latin America.
1: What is the situation of Graphic design in Latin America: recognition, achievements, professional fees, professional developments, difficulties, problems and challenges?
2: How does the economical situation in Latin America affect graphic designers both in their day-to-day work and their development? Situation and perspectives.
3: Global versus Local: should Latin American graphic designers follow international graphic design trends or should they develop a Latin American style?
4: How do new technologies affect graphic design and the day-to-day work of graphic designers in Latin America?
5: What is the state of Graphic Design education in Latin America? Is Graphic Design Education responding to the needs of the new markets? Develop an education agenda?
6: How does graphic design serve social and cultural needs in Latin America?
7: How can Design Associations and graphic designers in Latin America contribute to the development of the Zones of Free Commerce like Mercosul and Alca?
8. How can Icograda help the profession in Latin America?
9: How can Icograda best help graphic designers and support Icograda Members in Latin America?
- There will be no registration fees for the Regional Meeting.
- Participation to the Regional Meeting is by invitation only.
- Designers or people willing to take an active role in this important workshop and contribute with valuable input must send, fax or e-mail their Application Form to Icograda Secretariat along with a short biography and references.
- The numbers of participants will be limited.
- A final selection of participants will be made to allow the representation of each Latin American country. Selection will also be done according to appropriate experience to discuss the specific topics. A priority will be given to representatives of graphic design association representatives.
Application Forms must be returned as soon as possible and no later than 15 May, 2001.
For further information please contact:
Icograda Secretariat
Thierry Van Kerm
T: + 32 2 344 58 43
F: + 32 2 344 71 38


in memoriam: essam abu awad (1958-2021)

in memoriam: yu bingnan (1933–2020)