23.08.2006 News
We are well
into a post-industrial age and it is becoming ever clearer that
sustainability is not only a moral imperative, but good business. In
fact, companies such as General Electric and British Petroleum have
identified sustainability as a core mission. The field of Industrial
design is also in a moment of transition into a post-industrial design
era where the expression "less is more" is taking on more than a
Bauhaus mantra. In the future, truly inspiring design will be that
which provides users and consumers with greater experiences, while
taking away unnecessary material and complex information.
Zaccai is co-founder, president, and CEO of Design Continuum, the first
fully integrated consumer research, design and development firm in the
world, with studios located in Boston, Milan, and Seoul. Over the past
three decades, he has championed a holistic and highly integrated
approach to design research, design innovation, and concurrent
development. He has been responsible for strategic product planning,
environmental design, industrial design, human factors, and design
management for companies in the United States, Asia, and in Europe. He
has received awards for design excellence from ID Magazine, IDSA,
Business Week, and the Italian Society of Industrial Design, as well as
a Presidential Award for Design Excellence.
12 September, 1pm EST
Fee Per Session
USD $175/Nonmembers
USD $100/DMI Members
For further information please contact:
The Design Management Institute
29 Temple Place Boston, MA
02111-1350 USA
T: +1 617 338 6380
F: +1 617 338 6570
The Design Management Institute is an Affiliate Member of Icograda.


in memoriam: essam abu awad (1958-2021)

in memoriam: yu bingnan (1933–2020)