07.06.2005 News
Moscow (Russia) - You are invited to take part in the Second Moscow Design and Interactive Art Festival DeArt 2005. This year's festival is dedicated to the 180th anniversary of the Moscow State Art Teaching College named after S.G. Stroganoff, one of the oldest and most respected art schools in Russia.
From 5 to 10 September, the Festival will host lectures by renowned Russian designers, photographers and illustrators from the Royal Dutch Art Academy (De Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten).
DeArt is a non-profit festival. Taking part in the festival is free of charge for both professional and aspiring designers and artists. The festival is a great opportunity for everyone not only to see the work of their colleagues, but also to show their own best work.
DeArt festival will be covered by well-known internet and press publications on design, advertising and PR.
For more information on the programme and the conditions of participation in the DeArt 2005 festival visit our official website at (English version coming soon).
DeArt Festival 2005 Conditions of Entry
The entries in the following categories will be accepted:
Graphic design and advertising:
- logo
- logotype
- company identity
- postcard/greeting card
- flyer
- leaflet
- poster
- brochure
- calendar
- press advertisement
- multiple page document (magazine, prospectus, annual report)
- labels and packaging
Interactive design:
- web site
- Flash animation
- multimedia presentation
- interface design
Product design:
- product concept design
- mass product design
If you would like to take part in the festival, please read the following carefully.
The entries can be submitted from May 25 to June 30, 2005.
Please submit your entry in GIF, JPEG, SWF or HTML
format. To submit a web site please email a link to the web site.
The maximum image size is 800 x 800 pixel, the maximum file size is 1.5MB.
Each file name should consist of the following parts separated by _ (the underscore):
- the number of the category ( 1 - Graphic design and advertising; 2 - Interactive design; 3 Product design; 4 - Illustration; 5 - Photography);
- your name, surname or nickname;
- the title of the entry (no spaces please);
- the entry number.
The following examples are acceptable file names:
Please use Latin keyboard layout only!
Several entries can be emailed together as a .zip or .rar archive.
Each archive (or each file if submitted separately) should be accompanied by a text file containing your personal information (for example, anketa.txt or my_info.txt).
Please include the following information:
1. Your first and last name;
2. Age;
3. Occupation;
4. Postal address;
5. Your email address or some alternative way of
communication (phone number, ICQ UIN, etc.)
6. Whether you would like to come to the festival
All entries must be emailed to
Please put "DeArt" as the subject of your email. In the email please copy the personal information included in the text file and also some details about the submitted entry (file name, client, design studio, art director, design date, etc). This information will help us to process your entries.
If your entry is accepted for the festival, we will ask you to submit a high quality copy of it.
All accepted entries will be displayed at the exhibition and included in the catalogue of the festival.
The Responsibilities of the Festival Participant:
The Participants are fully responsible for the following:
- ensuring the copyright eligibility of the submitted entries;
- providing correct personal details and entry information.
The Organisers of the Festival have the right:
- not to accept the entries which do not conform to the above conditions without notice;
- to check the validity of the submitted information if necessary;
- to reject previously accepted entries with a proper explanation;
- to use the accepted entries in the promotional material for the festival (catalogue, exhibition,
press publications) without the permission of the participant.
The Organisers of the Festival agree
- always acknowledge the author of any entry used for promotional purposes stated above;
- not to use the entries in any other way except the ways listed above;
- not to pass the entries onto the third party.
For further information please contact:
Vladimir Dobrovinski
DeArt Festival Coordinator
From 5 to 10 September, the Festival will host lectures by renowned Russian designers, photographers and illustrators from the Royal Dutch Art Academy (De Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten).
DeArt is a non-profit festival. Taking part in the festival is free of charge for both professional and aspiring designers and artists. The festival is a great opportunity for everyone not only to see the work of their colleagues, but also to show their own best work.
DeArt festival will be covered by well-known internet and press publications on design, advertising and PR.
For more information on the programme and the conditions of participation in the DeArt 2005 festival visit our official website at (English version coming soon).
DeArt Festival 2005 Conditions of Entry
The entries in the following categories will be accepted:
Graphic design and advertising:
- logo
- logotype
- company identity
- postcard/greeting card
- flyer
- leaflet
- poster
- brochure
- calendar
- press advertisement
- multiple page document (magazine, prospectus, annual report)
- labels and packaging
Interactive design:
- web site
- Flash animation
- multimedia presentation
- interface design
Product design:
- product concept design
- mass product design
If you would like to take part in the festival, please read the following carefully.
The entries can be submitted from May 25 to June 30, 2005.
Please submit your entry in GIF, JPEG, SWF or HTML
format. To submit a web site please email a link to the web site.
The maximum image size is 800 x 800 pixel, the maximum file size is 1.5MB.
Each file name should consist of the following parts separated by _ (the underscore):
- the number of the category ( 1 - Graphic design and advertising; 2 - Interactive design; 3 Product design; 4 - Illustration; 5 - Photography);
- your name, surname or nickname;
- the title of the entry (no spaces please);
- the entry number.
The following examples are acceptable file names:
Please use Latin keyboard layout only!
Several entries can be emailed together as a .zip or .rar archive.
Each archive (or each file if submitted separately) should be accompanied by a text file containing your personal information (for example, anketa.txt or my_info.txt).
Please include the following information:
1. Your first and last name;
2. Age;
3. Occupation;
4. Postal address;
5. Your email address or some alternative way of
communication (phone number, ICQ UIN, etc.)
6. Whether you would like to come to the festival
All entries must be emailed to
Please put "DeArt" as the subject of your email. In the email please copy the personal information included in the text file and also some details about the submitted entry (file name, client, design studio, art director, design date, etc). This information will help us to process your entries.
If your entry is accepted for the festival, we will ask you to submit a high quality copy of it.
All accepted entries will be displayed at the exhibition and included in the catalogue of the festival.
The Responsibilities of the Festival Participant:
The Participants are fully responsible for the following:
- ensuring the copyright eligibility of the submitted entries;
- providing correct personal details and entry information.
The Organisers of the Festival have the right:
- not to accept the entries which do not conform to the above conditions without notice;
- to check the validity of the submitted information if necessary;
- to reject previously accepted entries with a proper explanation;
- to use the accepted entries in the promotional material for the festival (catalogue, exhibition,
press publications) without the permission of the participant.
The Organisers of the Festival agree
- always acknowledge the author of any entry used for promotional purposes stated above;
- not to use the entries in any other way except the ways listed above;
- not to pass the entries onto the third party.
For further information please contact:
Vladimir Dobrovinski
DeArt Festival Coordinator


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