14.08.2006 News
The newest
edition of this biannual publication, a Dutch-design classic in its own
right, once again presents an objective survey of the current state of
affairs of design in the Netherlands. Real Dutch Design, as the books
are titled this year, was published in The Netherlands on 7 July 2006.
1000 pages featuring more than 300 designers and agencies
yearbooks are thicker than ever. Over 1000 pages of the latest and best
work of over 3000 designers and agencies make Real Dutch Design an
indispensable reference work and a unique source of inspiration for
both clients and designers.
Statements by national and international designers and design experts
a preface to the portfolios, a select number of designers, design
experts and clients give their views on the nature and future of Dutch
design, a discussion that starts with the definition of the term.
Because what is Dutch design? Design made in The Netherlands? Or a
certain type of design with particular characteristics? The opinions of
leading national and international experts can be found in the
preliminary pages of Real Dutch Design. On people are invited to give their own opinions and collaborate in writing the defintion of Dutch design.
Colourful three-dimensional covers at the heart of sober design
time the portfolios are spread over two volumes, in an original format
created by ,staat. Working in collaboration with the Waacs design
agency ,staat made a special binding for the two volumes to fit them
together as a whole. The colurful plastic covers at the heart form a
contrast with the rough, naturla outer covers. This contrast is carried
throguh in the clear, pure design of the inside of the books, providing
a perfect platform for their colourful contents. Previous editions have
won countless design awards at home and abroad, including the Best
Dutch Book Design Award, the D&AD Silver Award, and the German
Award for Communication Design.
Extra large European edition and special Asian version
Dutch Design has ben printed in an edition of 15 000 copies for
distribution throughout the world. In addition to Dutch and English,
the new edition also includes German for the first time, making the
yearbooks more accessible to German and East European markets.
Moreover, in January 2007 a special Asian edition will be published in
Chinese and English.
This collectors item was presented
during the combined jubilee of the BNO and BIS Publishers, who are
respectively celebrating their 10 and 20 anniversaries.
Real Dutch Design can be found in specialised bookstores or ordered on
For further information please contact:
Jean Louis Goosens
Public Relations
Association of Dutch Designers
T: +31 (0)20 624 47 48
F: +31 (0)20 627 85 85
The BNO is a professional member of Icograda.


in memoriam: essam abu awad (1958-2021)

in memoriam: yu bingnan (1933–2020)