next stage of montréal design declaration

10.09.2018 ICoD news
The next stage of Montréal Design Declaration to be conducted in Saint-Étienne (France) on 3-5 April 2019 was discussed at the the Design Summit Meeting Steering Committee in Brussels, who met on 1-2 September. The meeting was attended by BEDA, Cumulus, ico-D, IFHP and IxDA.
The Steering Committee discussed the timetable for organising future full-scale Design Summit Meetings scheduled for 2020 and 2023 and determined details of the next stage of the Montréal Design Declaration deliberations, to be conducted in Saint- Étienne (France) on 3 - 5 April 2019 in conjunction with Biennale internationale du design de Saint-Étienne. The event will include sessions focused on topics determined in the survey of Declaration signers.
The Montréal Design Declaration adopted in Montréal in October 2017 included a list of 20 proposed Projects listed in the Declaration Annex. In order to prioritise the projects and ascertain willingness of participating organisations to become actively involved in developing the projects, a survey was circulated to the 22 international organisations participating in the Design Summit Meeting.
20 of the 22 organisations responded to the survey: ASFI, BEDA, Commonwealth Association of Planners, COFHUAT, Cumulus, Design Research Society, DESIS, Global Planners Network, ico-D, ICOMOS, IFHP, IFLA, Index, IxDA, Service Design Network, UIA, UN-Habitat, WGBC, World Urban Parks, and WUC.
This very high rate of response reflects the high motivation of the participating organisations. Each entity was requested to indicate the five projects of highest relevance to their organisation.
Analysis of the results revealed three clear clusters of preferred projects reflecting high overall agreement between responders:
— ‘Metrics—Making the Case’ received by far the highest level of response. The projects included are ‘Communicating the value of design’, ‘Developing metric measures’ and ‘Case studies demonstrating design impact utilising the metric measures.’ These three projects are highly interconnected, complementing each other.
— ‘Education and Research’
— ‘Policy + Government’, particularly National Design Policy
The Steering Committee is preparing a project development structure that will enable participating Montreal Design Declaration signers to effectively collaborate in the projects with a timeline and format that ensures recognisable outcomes at particular points in time—Summit Meetings and Pre-Summit Meetings.
The Saint-Étienne Pre-Summit Meeting, organised by the Design Summit Meeting Steering Committee, is the first official meeting of the Design Summit Meeting participants since the Montréal meeting in 2017.
Participation in the Saint-Étienne Pre-Summit Meeting is by invitation only and is reserved exclusively to international entities. In addition to the representatives of the 22 international entities listed in the Montréal Design Declaration, additional international entities that have expressed interest in joining the process will also been invited. As in Montreal, additional international, national and regional stakeholders will be invited to attend as observers.
There is no charge for participation in the Saint-Étienne Pre-Summit Meeting. Delegates are responsible for their own travel and hotel expenses. Pre-registration is required. A hotel package will be available.
For more details please contact:
Jovana Milovic?
Secretariat Coordinator of the Design Summit Meeting
Please download the Montréal Design Declaration and visit the Design Summit Meeting Steering Committee Facebook Page.
The Montréal Design Declaration
The signing ceremony of the Montréal Design Declaration was conducted on 24 October 2017 at the Palais des Congrès in Montréal, and signed in the presence of three UN agencies (UNESCO, UN-Habitat, UN Environment) by the fourteen international organisations and partners who collaborated to draft the document and four additional design organisations.
The Declaration is a Call to Action. On one hand, it is a call to governments, educators, civil and private sectors to engage with design, utilise and recognise it through Design Advocacy, Development of Design Metrics, Development of Design Policies, Development of Design Standards, Enhancement of Design Education. It is also a call to designers themselves to step into a leadership role, reconceiving themselves as “ambassadors” of end-users, calling for more Responsive, Responsible and Vigilant Design, and Recognition of Design in the face of global challenges.
As part of the intent to go forward, the Declaration outlines a list of 20 proposed Projects. These include a range of collaborative projects to: develop metrics to measure design impact; develop a common and inclusive language to communicate the value of design; launch projects to help raise living standards, healthcare, transit; make design available to low-income populations; and to create mechanisms for ongoing, improved dialogue and collaboration with governments so that these intentions become reality. Projects also propose creating models of design education for youth and to promote lifelong learning; to showcase how design improves sustainability and resiliency, to creates resources, tools and standards of accreditation to support designer communities, and finally, to carry out projects that will generate statements of support for the Declaration itself, so that its message and agenda spread far and wide.
Montréal Design Declaration Official Website
Design Summit Meeting Steering Committee Facebook Page


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