New Masters degree course: Traffic and Transport Information Design

20.07.2011 News
Vienna (Austria) - FH St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences (FHSTP) in Austria will offer a new distance-learning Masters course in Traffic and Transport Information Design. The five-semester-course, beginning 7 November 2011, has been developed in close cooperation with the International Institute for Information Design (IIID) and is operated under the auspices of UNESCO. The language of instruction is English.
Traffic and Transport Information Design not only embraces subjects like wayshowing, wayfinding and signage design, it also covers mobile devices, global navigation satellite and in-car navigation systems, real-time traffic information, danger warning, rescue and escape information, evaluation methods and contract management.
The faculty consists of internationally renowned experts from 11 countries. The course offers seminal opportunities to BA and BSc graduates of disciplines like Information Design, (Visual) Communications Design and Graphic Design. Interested applicants with subject related backgrounds from disciplines other than design might likewise feel attracted.
The registration deadline is 7 October 2011. Details and registration at
For more information about this announcement, please contact:
Sandra Schoessler
PR and Communications
International Institute for Information Design (IIID)
Palffygasse 27/17
1170 Austria
T +43 1 4036662
F +43 1 4036662-15
About the International Institute for Information Design
The International Institute for Information Design was founded to develop research and practice in optimising information and information systems for knowledge transfer in everyday life, business, education and science.


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in memoriam: yu bingnan (1933–2020)