Letter from the President of Cumulus

15.02.2012 Features
In response to signing the Memorandum of Agreement with Icograda, Christian Guellerin, President of Cumulus, sent this letter with greetings and a vision of the future paved by the two organisations. This note is also available on the Cumulus website.
Above: Christian Guellerin, President of Cumulus. Photo courtesy Cumulus.
Economic and industrial models are crumbling. Economists everywhere seem to be incapable of not only predicting but solving problems facing countries of today. The exact and objective science of technology which once invested trust into human-based progress is now in question.
Lastly, globalisation, internationalisation and the intermingling of people and cultures challenge our cultural references of value and meaning. Morals take a backseat to the Law being our notions of right and wrong, freedom, justice, respect of nature, behaviour towards others and oneself, morals are thrown out of balance as a result of different cultural approaches. These contexts are particularly favourable to design. In the face of fear of tomorrow, there is the yearning for values, meaning, and at a greater level, hope for the future. It is time for design and designers to rethink and reshape tomorrow.
The mission of Cumulus - International Association of Universities and Colleges of Art, Design and media - is dual:
- to promote the education and research of design, creation and innovation
- to promote design as a strategic discipline dedicated to socio-economic matters
The signature of a Memorandum of Understanding with Icograda is strategic for our association. We need to tighten our links with design and creative professionals to improve the skills of our students and of our faculty. Linking together with the members of Icograda is an opportunity for our students to exchange, to learn, to project, to identify themselves, so that their designs become more pertinent, desirable and viable. Moreover, it is necessary to combine our strengths to play a political role within the institutions, the companies, the public... and more generally, all those who want a better tomorrow. The designer has a position which is situated somewhere between imagination and innovation. It is essential that students, teachers, researchers and professionals join together to share their ideas and to spread out a spirit of creation. I thank the President Leimei Julia Chiu and the Board of Icograda and all the members for understanding our common interest and letting it flourish now and in the future There is no doubt we of all people will be clever enough to give this memorandum resonance.
Christian Guellerin
President of Cumulus
About Cumulus
Cumulus - International Association of Universities and Colleges of Art, Design and Media - is a global association serving art and design education and research. It is a forum for partnership and transfer of knowledge and best practices. Cumulus aims to build and maintain a dynamic and flexible academic forum to bring together top level educational institutions from all parts of the world. Cumulus collaborates not only with institutions and organisations from the field of art, design and media, it also strongly encourages co-operation with industry and business.


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