20.04.2001 News
Wednesday 13 June 2001
Casa de las Americas
Calle 3ra. YG, El Vedado.
Havana, Cuba
A Worldwide Perspective on Graphic Design from Five Continents!
Brussels (Belgium) - On 13 June 2001, Icograda will launch a new series of Seminar titled Design Perspectives. The objective of these seminars is to give a truly worldwide perspective on graphic design. In Cuba, five continents will be represented (America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Oceania) by prominent lecturers coming from Israel, Canada, Australia, South Africa, Korea, Belgium, Japan and Venezuela.
A wide spectrum of approaches
The theme of the Seminar in La Habana will be Graphic Design in a Global Economy. Lecturers will, amongst other themes, discuss the redefinition of Graphic Design (Why is that milk carton talking to me?, an intriguing and inspiring lecture by David Grossman, Israel), make a journey amongst cultures around the world (Signs and Wonders, by Robert L. Peters, Canada), discover the creation from scratch of a new writing system (What's behind Hangul, the Korean writing system? a fascinating conference by Prof. Ahn Sang Soo, Korea), research authenticity (My search of an authentic Venezuelan graphic design, by Jorge Montero, Venezuela), observe the cohabition of local and global brands under the Australian sky (Globalization - Culture vs. Globalized Brands by Russell Bevers, Autralia) or make the plunge in the breathtaking South African graphic design style! (The Bauhaus vs Boipatong: South Africa as an international graphic design laboratory, by Jacques Lange, South Africa).
Redefining Graphic Design, or why is that milk carton talking to me?
By David Grossman (Israel)
Signs and Wonders
By Robert L. Peters (Canada):
Globalization - Culture vs. Globalized Brands
By Russell Bevers (Australia)
The Bauhaus vs Boipatong: South Africa as an international graphic design laboratory.
By Jacques Lange (South Africa)
What's behind Hangul, the Korean writing system?
By Ahn Sang Soo (Korea)
Might Beauty Change the World?
By Guy Schockaert (Belgium)
Cultivating the Design Mind: how Japan tranformed itself into one of the world centers for design.
By Leimei Julia Chiu (Japan)
My search of a authentic Venezuelan graphic design
By Jorge Montero (Venezuela)
Presentations will be in English, with translation into Spanish.
A wonderful venue...
This one-day seminar will be held in Casa de las Americas, in La Habana, Cuba. This attractive location is in itself a reason to attend this one-day seminar.
...for a wonderful week
The Icograda Design Perspectives Seminar will be part of the Cuban Graphic Design Week to be held from 10 to 15 June 2001 in Cuba and which will include on 11 and 12 June an Icograda Regional Meeting, and on June 14 and 15, a symposium organized by Prografica (Cuba). Exhibitions and other events are also planned for this week dedicated to Graphic Design. Participants will enjoy a very interesting, fruitful and valuable week!
No Cost!
Last but not least, thanks to the support of Casa de las Americas, the attendance for all the events of the Cuban Graphic Design Week will be free of charge! Advance registration is required.
Icograda is the representative international organization for graphic design and visual communication, with 68 member associations in 43 countries worldwide. Founded in London in 1963, Icograda holds consultative status with UNESCO, UNIDO, and the Council of Europe.
Redefining Graphic Design, or why is that milk carton talking to me?
By David Grossman, Israel
Every graphic designer would do well to create a personal definition of graphic design. As we live in very dynamic times, this definition should be under permanent scrutiny in order to reflect the influence of changing technologies, markets and cultural needs. David Grossman will discuss graphic design from a personal perspective, as a designer and educator in Israel, which he defines as a developing country in terms of design.
David Grossman is the chairman of the Vital Department of Graphic Design at the Shenkar College of Engineering and Design in Ramat Gan, Israel. His design specialty is environmental garphic design and has worked on major institutional and government projects in Israel. He is
active in the international graphic design community and is the current president of Icograda.
Signs and Wonders
By Robert L. Peters, Canada
Design shapes culture. Culture informs design. Therefore, as designers we must be culturally literate. Peters will share reflections on cultures from around the world - design influences, icons, illustrations, and inspirational ideas gathered along the journey.
Robert L. Peters, FGDC, is a founding principal and design director of Circle, a communication design firm formed in Winnipeg, Canada in 1976. He is active as a designer, strategist, writer, and advocate. Robert lives with two cats in a passive solar house in the woods east of Winnipeg. When not immersed in design, he enjoys climbing mountains.
My search of a authentic Venezuelan graphic design
By Jorge Montero, Venezuela
"All country has an particular heritage of visual landmarks and iconography, and it is an expression of the social reality. My point is that we don't have to see what others graphic designers are doing as a way to find inspiration for our own profesional work, especially related with social campaigns. Indeed, I think that is the only way to find a real national visual languaje. As a graphic designer and political cartoonist I try to create new iconography depicting popular sayings and oral expressions that nobody has represented before. My plan is to create a visual representation of most thinking people feel about what is going on in the social-politic scene. When I say that that has been the way other countries have used to accomplish a particular national visual expression."
Jorge Montero is a Venezuelan Graphic Designer, Illustrator and Educator. Born in Caracas, Venezuela, 1961, he achieved a Master of Arts and a Master in Fine at the University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA, 2000. His degree major is Graphic Design and minor are Sculpture and Drawing. Jorge is a Professor and Director of the School of Arts and Graphic Design of The University of Los Andes. He also works as freelance in Venezuela and USA since 1983 for advertising agencies, newspapers and publishers. He was granted several awards in the editorial cartoon and comic strips fields. His current visual work is focused on the representation of the Venezuela's social and political situation as a way to achieve a colective awakening and in the same time to get a real beginning of a authentic Venezuelan Graphic Design.
The Globalised Brand
By Russell Bevers, Australia
A hot topic for all designers because it affects all we do. A short story of how local branding in Australia grew from our unique culture and environment and how global branding is influencing our lives now. Design has played a significant part in making global brands represent the same idealized life style everywhere.
Russell Bevers, FDIA has been a practicing designer for 30 years in that time he has worked in advertising and been the principal of his own studio.
Until recently he was principal of The Swish Group- a graphic design and new media company of sixty people. Russell was national President of The
Australia Graphic Design Association for two terms, is on course advisory committees for two universities and a member of the Design Advisory
Committee for The Australian Student Design Awards. Russell has recently moved to greener pastures where he is partner in a Landscape Design business.
The Bauhaus vs Boipatong:
South Africa as an international graphic design laboratory.
By Jacques Lange, South Africa
This presentation will be a journey of South African graphic design spanning the past fifteen years from liberation to nation building and international economic competitiveness. The presentation will include the work done by the most sophisticated local designers promoting global commerce, to resistance graphics created by liberation movements as well as the practitioners of township commercial art who pursue basic social issues such as promoting health and literacy as well as selling haircuts and bananas.
Jacques Lange qualified with a BA(FA) Information Design degree from University of Pretoria (1988) and is currently enrolled in an MA programme at the same institution. His professional experience includes corporate and editorial design, strategic consulting, human resources communication, education and profession management. He is a partner at Bluprint Design, a corporate design consultancy based in South Africa. He is the President of Design South Africa, a founding member of the academic journal, Image & Text, and a member of the Design Education Forum of Southern Africa. Jacques was the second winner of the Design Achievers Awards and has been actively involved in the scheme's planning since 1997.
Might Beauty Change the World?
By Guy Schockaert, Belgium
Guy Schockaert is a graphic designer and principal of of Ad hoc Design sprl, a Brussels-based design office he established in 1989. He has taught and lectured internationally, and has been active in numerous design organizations including UDB and BEDA. He is a Fellow of the Society of Typographic Designers and is on the board of the Belgian Design Institute. He has been an Icograda board member since 1993, and served as Icograda President from 1997 to 1999. Though French is his first language, Guy also communicates in English and Dutch.
Cultivating the Design Mind: how Japan tranformed itself into one of the world centers for design.
By Leimei Julia Chiu, Japan
Leimei will introduce the current state of graphic design in japan and shed some insights on the development of design promotion initiatives launched in Japan and its significance to culture and the marketplace.
Leimei Julia Chiu is a design management consultant and Director of Global Communications for the International Design Center NAGOYA. With a diverse background in Mathematics, Chemistry, Linguistics/Cross-cultural communications, and Design Management, Leimei's strength is strategic development and consultancies of design-promotion worldwide. She has provided creative direction and project management in the private and public sectors by working with major Japanese corporate industries; as well as the governments and academic institutions in countries across Europe, North America, and the Pan Pacific Rim. Leimei joined the Icograda board in 1997, and is fluent in English, Mandarin, Hokkein, and Japanese.
What's behind Hangul, the Korean writing system?
Ahn Sang Soo, Korea
Ahn Sang Soo is a graphic designer and Professor of Typography and Editorial Design at Hong-Ik University in Seoul, his alma matter. Ahn also has a Ph.D. from Hanyang University. He has worked as a magazine art director for several well-known publications and founded the design firm Ahn Graphics. Ahn has held numerous individual and group exhibitions, has received numerous design awards, has lectured worldwide, and is a member of AGI. He has served on the Icograda board since 1997, is fluent in Korean, and is conversant in English and Japanese.
For registration to the Graphic Design in a Global Economy Seminar
and to the Cuban Graphic Design Week events :
Hector Villaverde, Prografica
T: + 537 61 2779
F: + 537 24 2744


in memoriam: essam abu awad (1958-2021)

in memoriam: yu bingnan (1933–2020)