23.08.2006 News
27-28 November 2006, design faculty and practitioners will gather at
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University to explore regional creative
practices contrasted by international ones. The two day meeting is an
exceptional opportunity to meet like-minded people, gather new ideas
and strategies, and extend your personal regional and international
design network among the creatives attending.
Creativity : Point : Counterpoint
How do you stimulate creativity?
What is the process?
What are the results?
us a brief course description, 100 words or less, and images of the
process leading to a result. For each project within a course send no
more than 6 images. Focus on one project for the images so the sequence
is understandable. Each school is limited to sending a maximum of 1
course illustrated by 4 projects; 2 courses illustrated by 2 projects
each; 3 courses illustrated by 2 projects for one of them and 1 project
for the other two; or 4 courses illustrated by a project each.
will assemble the projects for projection during the conference. In
this way you can share your ideas more broadly. The text material will
be bound into a reference document so you can see which schools and
instructors you might want to contact later.
Opening Keynote:
Csikszentmihalyi is the Davidson Professor of Psychology and Director
of Quality of Life Research Center (QLRC) at the Peter F. Drucker and
Masatoshi Ito Graduate School of Management at Claremont Graduate
University in California. QLRC studies positive psychology in terms of
such qualities as optimism, creativity, and intrinsic motivation.
Famous for his books Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience and
Creativity: Flow and the Psychology of Discovery and Invention he will
ground the conference with his keynote.
Closing Keynote:
Jeremy Myerson is the Director of InnovationRCA at the Royal College of
Art. Jeremy is an active writer, researcher and consultant with
extensive experience of design in business and society. He is Professor
of Design Studies at the Royal College of Art, where he has worked
since 1999 as co-director of the RCA's Helen Hamlyn Research Centre,
leading a programme to link new graduates with a range of business
partners. He will reveal what business is looking for from design and
will close the conference by focusing on innovation, a critical goal
for both design and business.
For further information please contact:
Xin Xiangyang
DesignED Asia
School of Design
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hung Hom, Kowloon
Hong Kong


in memoriam: essam abu awad (1958-2021)

in memoriam: yu bingnan (1933–2020)