04.09.2004 News
Brussels (Belgium) - After an absence of 35 years, Association Typographique Internationale (ATypI) is returning to Prague, Czech Republic, for its 48th annual conference from 30 September to 3 October 2004. The conference, co-produced by the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague (Vysoka skola umeleckoprumyslova, or VSUP), will be conducted in the famous Archa Theatre, an avant-garde underground theatre complex in the middle of Prague. It will focus on the special creative contribution of Central and Eastern European design world and its relation to international design. There will also be papers covering many additional international typographic and design subjects - one strand focuses on newspaper design and typography.
Rick Poynor will be the keynote speaker for the 2004 Conference. Poynor was the founding editor of Eye in London in 1990, and now writes a column for the magazine and its website. A regular columnist for Print magazine, he contributes to more than 40 publications around the world, including <em>Blueprint, Frieze, Domus, Etapes, I.D., Metropolis, Harvard Design Magazine, Adbusters, The Guardian, and the Financial Times</em>. He is the author of ten books. Poynor will speak about the new spirit in the design and typography field which is coming from the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and influencing the West, and the designer's responsibility for the visual environment.
The Board of Directors of ATypI is proud to announce that the ATypI Prague 2004 Conference is sponsored by many of the leading companies in the graphic arts business. This year's sponsors are: Platinum sponsor, AgfaMonotype; Gold sponsors, Adobe Systems and Typo Magazine, Silver sponsors FontLab and Microsoft, Bronze Sponsor ParaType. Additional sponsorship announcements are expected soon.
Speakers and Programme
Speakers who are currently slated for the conference include Roger Black, Alan Zaruba, Erik Spiekermann, Jean-Francois Porchez, Johanna Balusikova, Jaroslav Setlik, Josef Tyfa, Frantisek Storm, Gerhard Unger, Vladimir Yefimov, and many more to be announced.
The annual Type Technology Forum returns for the two days prior to the main Conference (29-30 September), organised this year by Thomas Phinney of Adobe Systems. It will feature technical seminars related to font development on a range of subjects, including Unicode and OpenType. The TypeTech Forum will be coordinated with FontLab seminars, so that attendees may take a beginner or advanced track. The cost will be $100 for the two days.
In addition, ATypI has arranged with Guarant, a Prague-based tour organiser, to offer special tours of the many interesting historical sites of Prague in the days before the start of the Conference.
Pricing (all in US dollars) for the conference after 4 August 2004:
ATypI members: $560
Non-members: $650
Students: $230
Registration forms can be found at
For further information please contact:
ATypI Secretariat & Conference Office
6050 Boulevard East, #2H
West New York, New Jersey, USA
T: + 001 201 453 1526
F: + 001 201 861 3365
Rick Poynor will be the keynote speaker for the 2004 Conference. Poynor was the founding editor of Eye in London in 1990, and now writes a column for the magazine and its website. A regular columnist for Print magazine, he contributes to more than 40 publications around the world, including <em>Blueprint, Frieze, Domus, Etapes, I.D., Metropolis, Harvard Design Magazine, Adbusters, The Guardian, and the Financial Times</em>. He is the author of ten books. Poynor will speak about the new spirit in the design and typography field which is coming from the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and influencing the West, and the designer's responsibility for the visual environment.
The Board of Directors of ATypI is proud to announce that the ATypI Prague 2004 Conference is sponsored by many of the leading companies in the graphic arts business. This year's sponsors are: Platinum sponsor, AgfaMonotype; Gold sponsors, Adobe Systems and Typo Magazine, Silver sponsors FontLab and Microsoft, Bronze Sponsor ParaType. Additional sponsorship announcements are expected soon.
Speakers and Programme
Speakers who are currently slated for the conference include Roger Black, Alan Zaruba, Erik Spiekermann, Jean-Francois Porchez, Johanna Balusikova, Jaroslav Setlik, Josef Tyfa, Frantisek Storm, Gerhard Unger, Vladimir Yefimov, and many more to be announced.
The annual Type Technology Forum returns for the two days prior to the main Conference (29-30 September), organised this year by Thomas Phinney of Adobe Systems. It will feature technical seminars related to font development on a range of subjects, including Unicode and OpenType. The TypeTech Forum will be coordinated with FontLab seminars, so that attendees may take a beginner or advanced track. The cost will be $100 for the two days.
In addition, ATypI has arranged with Guarant, a Prague-based tour organiser, to offer special tours of the many interesting historical sites of Prague in the days before the start of the Conference.
Pricing (all in US dollars) for the conference after 4 August 2004:
ATypI members: $560
Non-members: $650
Students: $230
Registration forms can be found at
For further information please contact:
ATypI Secretariat & Conference Office
6050 Boulevard East, #2H
West New York, New Jersey, USA
T: + 001 201 453 1526
F: + 001 201 861 3365


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