24.08.2008 News
Bratislava (Slovakia) - The winners have been announced. Now in its thirteenth year, this Icograda-endorsed competition received 393 works from 352 young designers and design students from 11 different countries. The majority of submissions received and prizes awarded were from from Czech Republic, Slovakia and Canada.
Prizes were given under the following three categories: students of secondary schools, students of universities and young designers up to 30 years of age.
The competition was evaluated by an international jury, consisting of: Jan Ãinèera (CZ), Zbyn?k Houðka (CZ), Ji?? Koèandrle (CZ), Zolt?n Salamon (SK), Margita Michl?kov? (SK), Sylvia Jokelov? (SK), Vratislav Kytnar (CZ) and the secretary of the jury, Milan Kab?t (CZ).
The award-winning and selected works will be exhibited at the Satelit Gallery, from 4-28 September 2008, and at the Printing-Packing-Computing fair in Incheba, Bratislava from 30 September - 3 October 2008.
The competition was organised this year by Model Obaly and the
Slovak Design Center.
The final award winners are as follows:
Young Designers under 30 Category
Secondary Schools Category
Colleges and Universities Category
Special Award of the UVU CR
Antistress Calendar, by Raspopèevov? Ema, Czech Republic
Special Award of In-Store Marketing Magazine
Protective Trouser Band, by Maty?ðkov? Tereza, The University of J. E. Purkyn? in ?st? nad Labem, Czech Republic
Slovak Design Center Special Award
My Wool Hat, My Wool Scarf, My Wool Gloves, by Dumont-Mackay Elisabeth, Université du Québec ? Montréal, Canada
Download the final 2008 Catalogue for more details (PDF - 2.2MB)
For more information, contact:
RNDr. Margita Michlikova
Slovak Design Centre
Jakubovo nam. 12, 814 99 Bratislava
Jaroslav Vara?a
Ma??kova 1, 621 00 Brno
Czech Republic
Prizes were given under the following three categories: students of secondary schools, students of universities and young designers up to 30 years of age.
The competition was evaluated by an international jury, consisting of: Jan Ãinèera (CZ), Zbyn?k Houðka (CZ), Ji?? Koèandrle (CZ), Zolt?n Salamon (SK), Margita Michl?kov? (SK), Sylvia Jokelov? (SK), Vratislav Kytnar (CZ) and the secretary of the jury, Milan Kab?t (CZ).
The award-winning and selected works will be exhibited at the Satelit Gallery, from 4-28 September 2008, and at the Printing-Packing-Computing fair in Incheba, Bratislava from 30 September - 3 October 2008.
The competition was organised this year by Model Obaly and the
Slovak Design Center.
The final award winners are as follows:
Young Designers under 30 Category
- Volvo for Golf, by Junek Petr, Czech Republic.
- Variations on a Bowl, by Vlkov? Kl?ra, Czech Republic.
- Hipo Hyfryd, by Si?n Dafydd and Alwyn Thomas, Great Britain.
Secondary Schools Category
- Magazine Rack, by Trd? Aleð, Higher Vocational School of Applied Arts and Secondary Applied Arts School, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Dvekopak, by Mihalèinov? Miroslava, School of Applied Visual Arts, Koðice, Slovakia.
- Special Award of Model Obaly Co.: Chocolate Candy  Sweet Secret, by Slez?k Patrik, School of Applied Visual Arts, Koðice, Slovakia.
Colleges and Universities Category
- 4+1=0, Pic-Nic-Kit, by Petigny Florian, Université du Québec ? Montréal, Canada.
- Packaging Magazine Special Award: Three-Tie Wrap, by Blais Jean-Guillaume, Université du Québec ? Montréal, Canada.
- Quone, by Beauchamp Maud, Université du Québec ? Montréal, Canada.
Special Award of the UVU CR
Antistress Calendar, by Raspopèevov? Ema, Czech Republic
Special Award of In-Store Marketing Magazine
Protective Trouser Band, by Maty?ðkov? Tereza, The University of J. E. Purkyn? in ?st? nad Labem, Czech Republic
Slovak Design Center Special Award
My Wool Hat, My Wool Scarf, My Wool Gloves, by Dumont-Mackay Elisabeth, Université du Québec ? Montréal, Canada
Download the final 2008 Catalogue for more details (PDF - 2.2MB)
For more information, contact:
RNDr. Margita Michlikova
Slovak Design Centre
Jakubovo nam. 12, 814 99 Bratislava
Jaroslav Vara?a
Ma??kova 1, 621 00 Brno
Czech Republic


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