Registration and Nominations now open for the ico-D 26 GA

21.04.2015 News
The will be held 22-23 October 2015, following the Platform Meetings which will be held in tandem with the 2015 Eeum Design Connects Congress (IDC) in Gwangju, South Korea, 19-21 October.
We call on all ico-D Members and our Community to attend the upcoming GA and thereby take an active part in determining the direction of the Council.
At the biennial General Assembly, ico-D Professional, Educational and Promotional Members will consider and vote on policy, elect the next Executive Board, and ratify the admission of new Member organisations, as well as discuss important proposals to make ico-D better able to serve the international design community.
For Members who cannot attend, we urge you to assign a proxy through the registration site to ensure your voice is heard.
Events Schedule
The will be held at 9:00AM on Thursday, 22 October and continuing on Friday, 23 October.
The Educational, Professional and Promotional Platform Meetings will take place on 19 and 20 October 2015, during the Eeum: "Design Connects" 2015 International Design Congress.
Platform Meetings schedule:
• Educational Platform Meeting: 19 October 14:00 to 17:30
• Professional and Promotional Platform Meeting: 20 October 11:00 to 17:00
All events will be held at the Kimdaejung Convention Center in Gwangju.
Register now!
Register for the 26 GA and Platform Meetings via the online registration site.
Register for the Eeum: "Design Connects" 2015 International Design Congress via the online registration site.
Visa Applications
For an official invitation letter to attend the ico-D 26 General Assembly, please fill out the request in the GA Registration form with information for each of your delegates and/or accompanying persons.
Accommodation and programming
Details on accommodation and programming will be announced soon on the .
Call for nominations to the 2015-2017 ico-D Executive Board, for election at the 26 General Assembly, is now open.
Nominations are accepted from ico-D Professional, Educational and Promotional Members, and all nominees must be members or officers of ico-D Member entities.
The ico-D Executive Board is responsible for the effective governance of the Council and the vigorous pursuit of ico-D’s mission and objectives and adherence to its core values.
Nominations are accepted for the following Board positions: • President Elect 2015-2017 (President 2017-2019) (1position)
• Secretary General (1 position)
• Treasurer (1 position)
• Vice President (5 positions)
Platform Work Groups
Significantly this year, the Platform Work Groups will present their outcomes at the Gwangju Platform Meetings.
Two EduPM Work Groups and three ProfPM Work Groups were recently announced as an initiative to provide an effective framework to address the complicated issues facing design educators and educational institutions, as well as professional designers, and to collaboratively establish next steps for the Council.
For more information on how to join the Work Group initiative:
• EduPM Work Group page .
• ProfPM Work Group page here.
We look forward to seeing you in Gwangju!
Please send any 26 GA inquiries to ico-D Secretariat:


in memoriam: essam abu awad (1958-2021)

in memoriam: yu bingnan (1933–2020)