Marina Emmanouil announced as the new Editor for Communication Design [journal]

24.05.2017 News
Marina Emmanouil has been announced as the new Editor for Communication Design: Interdisciplinary and Graphic Design Research [journal].
Marina’s academic and research interests lie in the area of visual communication and graphic design history, theory, methodologies and practice with a focus on the Balkans, specifically, Greece and Turkey. Her pedagogical approach in design education is in favour of student empowerment and collaborative learning. She is interested in creating an inclusive learning environment for all ability students and encourages disclosure of learning difficulties in design education and discourse. She has developed an expertise on tactile graphics, and her social responsibility design works involve tactile information design and the development of accessibility programmes for blind and visually impaired people.
Marina holds a PhD and an MA in the History of Design (RCA, UK), and a BA (Hons) in Graphic Design (2.1, UH, UK). Her PhD research is on graphic design and modernisation in Greece after WWII. She is currently studying an MSc in Education and Child Studies (specialisation: learning impairments and problems) at Leiden University, The Netherlands.
Since September 2010, Marina is a lecturer at the Visual Communication Design Department, Faculty of Fine Arts & Design, Izmir University of Economics (Turkey). Her teaching involves the practice, history and theory of visual communication design at an undergraduate and postgraduate level. A reflection of her studio instruction is imprinted in ‘Human-centred design projects and co-creation in/outside the Turkish classroom’ (International Journal of Art and Design Education October 2015, 34:3). In 2012 Marina co-ordinated (and co-edited the proceedings of) the Balkan Locus-Focus Symposium (in collaboration with Parsons School of Design), which intended to offer insights on the yet silent and poorly recorded histories of communication design in the Balkan peninsula. This event was the first attempt to comprehensively map visual communication design in the socio-political and mental territories of the region. With her social design practice, Marina contributes to the development of accessibility programs for visually impaired people. She worked as a tactile graphics production assistant at the National Centre for Tactile Diagrams, UK (2001), and since then she participated to the implementation of educational programs at museums in the UK, USA and Greece.
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in memoriam: essam abu awad (1958-2021)

in memoriam: yu bingnan (1933–2020)