INDIGO: the International Indigenous Design Network launches new interactive website

25.04.2010 News
Montreal (Canada) - INDIGO: the International Indigenous Design Network has announced today the launch of its new website, an open platform for designers everywhere to actively participate in an international dialogue on the current living culture of indigenous design.
David Lancashire, Icograda Vice President and Chair of the INDIGO Advisory Group will present the new website during his talk at the agIdeas 2010 design week, in Melbourne Australia.
While the notion of indigenous and local design is hard to define, the network seeks to further explore its meaning and interpretation throughout the world. Through its participants and projects, INDIGO aims to discover what makes design distinctive to its home and what connects it to the place where it is made and the people for whom it is made.
An online tool for collaboration
Whereas the previous website was a steady expression of INDIGO's activities, the new site shifts to truly embody the idea of INDIGO as a network and positions each participant as a junction within it. Designers all over the world can utilise this channel to connect and explore potential collaborative relationships and opportunities.
Designed by Concordia University student, Jason Khurt, the site instantly attracts readers' attention with its vibrant colours and ease of use. Divided into four main sections, this tool encourages user contribution and constant dialogue. The About section gives details on INDIGO's structure, how to participate, who's in the network, and who to contact with questions. Words provides a space for related news and articles, whereas Action lists past, ongoing and upcoming projects and events. Finally, the section You is where new participants sign up or log in to contribute content.
Anyone is invited to voice their thoughts by commenting on published articles. Those who wish to be more involved are encouraged become a regular contributer and share related articles, projects and events from their regions. This can include case studies, research initiatives, cultural exchanges, student projects and more.
Participate in the INDIGO network
To become part of the dialogue, sign up on the INDIGO site. To contribute further content, contact us.
For more information, please contact:
455 Saint Antoine Ouest, SS10
Montreal, Quebec
H2Z 1J1 Canada
T: +1 514 448 4949 x 226
F: +1 514 448 4948
INDIGO, the International Indigenous Design Network, is an Icograda-led initiative of the IDA (International Design Alliance). It was developed as a research project by Monash University, under the leadership of Russell Kennedy, currently Icograda President 2009-2011 and a Monash faculty member, and its development was managed under license by the National Design Centre in Melbourne, Australia. Since 2009, the INDIGO Secretariat has been headquartered in Montreal, Canada.
About Icograda
Icograda is the world body for professional communication design. Founded in 1963, it is a voluntary assembly of organisations concerned with graphic design, visual communication, design management, promotion, education, research and journalism in 67 countries and regions around the globe. The vision, mission and core values of the Council are collectively embodied in the statement 'leading creatively' and manifested through Members' diverse activities to use design as a medium for progressive change.


in memoriam: essam abu awad (1958-2021)

in memoriam: yu bingnan (1933–2020)