ico-D Platforms: Pasadena 2016 Report

09.02.2017 News
The 2016 Pasadena Platform Report: Design is valuable, is a 120-page written account of proceedings from the Pasadena Platform Meetings (PMs) which took place 24-26 August 2016 in Pasadena, California, hosted by ico-D Member The report details the presentations, roundtable discussions, panels, forums and workshops given by speakers from 24 Members organisations (Professional, Promotional and Educational) representing 17 countries. The importance of this ico-D Member-based Meeting was to share, network, and explore the potential to collaborate on four key topics: National Design Policy (NDP), Communicating the Value of Design, Accreditation/Certification and Curriculum Development.
Read and download: 2016 Pasadena Platform Report: Design is valuable (pdf)


in memoriam: essam abu awad (1958-2021)

in memoriam: yu bingnan (1933–2020)