27.05.2007 News
The DFA Award is presented to companies from around the world that have generated business success through great design that impacts Asia.
The Award is dedicated to promote design excellence. It also seeks to raise awareness amongst businesses and the public alike, that good design is an essential component in business success and the enjoyment of life. The Award is divided into three categories.
DFA Grand Award *
A maximum of TEN designs will be awarded the prestigious DFA Grand Award.
DFA Best Design from Greater China *
A maximum of TEN designs will be awarded the prestigious DFA Grand Award.
DFA Special Merit Award *
A maximum of TEN designs originating from the greater China region (China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan) will be awarded the DFA Best Design from Greater China.
* The Judging Panels reserve the right to vary the number of the winning designs.
First Round Judging
The First Round Judging focuses on the excellence of the design, the influence the design has within Asia. The decisions will be based on the information supplied by the entrant/nominator through the First Round Judging Entry Form and JPEG images.
The First Round Judging Panel will consist of representatives from Hong Kong Design Centre, the four founding members of Hong Kong Design Centre and two local educational institutions in Hong Kong.
- Hong Kong Design Centre
- Hong Kong Designers Association
- Chartered Society of Designers, Hong Kong
- Interior Design Association Hong Kong
- Hong Kong Fashion Designers Association
- School of Design, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- Department of Design, Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education
Final Selection
The Final Selection is a detailed assessment, based on the physical product, professional design images and any supporting materials submitted by the entrant.
The Final Selection Judging Panel will consist of world-renowned professionals and experts from a variety of business, professional, academic and design disciplines. All will have experience both locally and internationally.
Announcement Of Results
The winning companies will be informed in writing by early October 2007. The results of the DFA Award 2007 will also be announced in Hong Kong during the Business of Design Week 2007, which will be held from 10 - 15 December 2007. Representative(s) from the winning companies will be invited to participate in the result announcement.
For further information please contact:
Ms. Polly Chik,
Senior Project Executive
Hong Kong Design Centre
1/F, InnoCentre, 72 Tat Chee Avenue,
Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong
T: +852 2522 8688
F: +852 2892 2621
W: http://www.hkdesigncentre.org
W: http://www.dfaaward.com
About the Hong Kong Design Centre
Hong Kong Design Centre (HKDC) is dedicated to helping local designers
and businesses to realise their full potential. Our mission is to help
Hong Kong move up the value chain as a knowledge-based economy and
improve the well-being of the society. Established in 2001, HKDC was
founded by the Hong Kong Federation of Design Associations. The Hong
Kong Design Centre is an Associate member of Icograda.


in memoriam: essam abu awad (1958-2021)

in memoriam: yu bingnan (1933–2020)