08.01.2008 News
Auckland (New Zealand) - Cathy Veninga and Fraser Gardyne have been recognised
by DINZ for their contribution to the New Zealand design profession.
Fellowship is granted to Professional members who have given especially
meritorious or distinguished service to the Institute or its
predecessor societies or the design profession.
Cathy Veninga FDINZ
recognition as a Fellow is for her work for DINZ since joining as a
member in 1992. She was part of a voluntary spatial group that ran
events for members. In 1998 she joined Council as a Spatial
In 2002 she became Vice President then
President in 2003 until 2004 when she was appointed to the permanent
position as Executive Officer for DINZ. Cathy has been involved in the
BeST Design Awards Committees. Then in 2003 and 2004 she and Fraser
Gardyne oversaw the BeST Design Awards event and worked to lift the
prestige of the awards via the campaign, awards evening event and
inviting the Prime Minister to present the John Britten Award in 2004
and 2005. Cathy has been a judge of the BeST Design Awards. Her time on
Council and as President saw her work with Council to build membership,
sponsorship and develop continuing professional development events for
the membership.
Fraser Gardyne FDINZ
has had an involvement with DINZ since its inception in 1993. Before
DINZ was formed in 1991, Fraser was a founding committee member of the
IDA - the Illustrators & Designers Association set up in 1984. The
IDA merged with NZSID - the New Zealand Society of Industrial Designers
in 1987 creating the Designers Secretariat and Fraser became a
Councillor. In 1988 Fraser was on the steering committee for the
inaugural BeST Design Awards sponsored by Artspec. Fraser has
represented graphics as a Councillor over many periods of DINZ history.
He became Vice President in 2003 and President in November 2004 until
August 2006.
In 2003 and 2004 Cathy Veninga and Fraser
oversaw the BeST Design Awards event and worked to lift the prestige of
the awards via the campaign, awards evening event and inviting the
Prime Minister to present the John Britten Award in 2004 and 2005.
Fraser has been the Graphic Convener of BeST Design Awards since 2003.
has co-ordinated the judging for the British Council Design Ambassador
Graphic and New Media Awards since 2002 and Fraser coordinated the
bringing Netherlands Words and Images Exhibition to New Zealand with
the Netherlands Embassy.
As a past president Fraser continues to contribute his personal time to DINZ.
For further information please contact:
PO Box 109423
New Zealand
T: +64 9 529 1713
F: +64 9 529 1714
About the Designer's Institute of New Zealand
Institute was formed from the merger of two associations, the New
Zealand Society of Industrial Designers formed in 1960 and the New
Zealand Association of Interior Designers formed in 1968. This was
successfully completed in August 1991, thus giving birth to the
Designers Institute of New Zealand Incorporated. The Institute
represents Graphic Design (visual communication), Spatial Design (built
environment), Industrial Design (product design, consumer and capital
goods), Craft Design (art and craft media), Design Education (the
teaching profession) and Design Management. DINZ is a Professional
Member of Icograda.


in memoriam: essam abu awad (1958-2021)

in memoriam: yu bingnan (1933–2020)