Call for Nominations: Icograda Executive Board 2011-2013

04.05.2011 News
Montreal (Canada) - Icograda Member organisations are invited to nominate persons who are members or officers to stand for election to the Executive Board for the 2011-2013 term. Elections will take place at the Icograda General Assembly 24 to be held 27-28 October 2011, following the inaugural 2011 IDA Congress in Taipei, Taiwan (Chinese Taipei).
Nominations are invited for each of the following offices:
- President Elect
- Secretary General
- Treasurer
- Five Vice Presidents
The nomination period is from 27 April - 27 July 2011. (Article 51 of the Icograda Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws).
Pre-determined roles
Immediate Past President
Don Ryun Chang (Korea) will step down from the Executive Board having served as President Elect, President and Immediate Past President. Russell Kennedy (Australia) will move from the role of President to the role of Immediate Past President.
At the end of the General Assembly 24, President Elect Leimei Julia Chiu (Japan) will assume the office of President having been duly elected at the General Assembly 23 in Beijing, China. Russell Kennedy (Australia) will step down from his position as President and assume the role of Immediate Past President.
Nomination process
Nominations are welcome from Icograda Professional, Promotional, Educational and Corporate Members in good standing.
Of the present board, Omar Vulpinari has agreed to stand for nomination to the position of President Elect.
The details of sumbitting nominations may be downloaded here (PDF - 592 KB) .
For further information please contact:
Brenda Sanderson
Managing Director
T: +1 514 448 4949 x 226
Sergio Figueredo
Membership Coordinator
T: +1 514 448 4949 x 233


in memoriam: essam abu awad (1958-2021)

in memoriam: yu bingnan (1933–2020)