the council announces an agreement with beijing design week (china)

02.05.2018 Announcements
For immediate release
16 May 2018
Beijing, China— Following a successful pilot meeting in Montréal on 21 October 2017, the International Council of Design (ico-D) has partnered with Beijing Design Week (BJDW) to conduct, what has been officially named the ico-D “Special Meeting” in Beijing on 21-22 September 2018. The Special Meeting format is a platform for entities promoting and supporting design in their regions including design weeks, design biennales, design museums and design cities.
The Special Meeting fosters collaboration and exchange between the international community of professional designers and these various promotion and valorisation entities to address overlapping challenges and objectives. Through such collaboration, content and messaging relating to the Value of Design, National Design Policies, the impact of Globalisation on Design and Designers and other relevant topics, can reach new audiences. Through networking and cooperation, participants are able to more efficiently utilise resources.
The 2017 pilot for the Special Meeting, held in Montréal brought together 15 entities representing a cross section of geographic regions and design sectors both large and small.
The pilot took place on 21 October 2017 at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.
Shauna Levy of the Toronto Design Exchange Museum summarised her experience as a participant at the 2017 Special Meeting: “It was really important to hear about the challenges and successes experienced by everyone as well as to gain a sense of scope and relevance. Most of us are in leadership positions and so we're operating alone most of the time. It’s important to hear and share ideas with your peers as well as receive validation from them—especially when they're from all around the planet. I’m confident that the conversations will continue and eventually lead to some exciting collaborations.”
Beijing Design Week 2017
Invitations for the Beijing Special Meeting 2018 will be issued over the next 2 months.The Beijing Special Meeting will be aligned with the official opening of the annual Beijing Design Week—one of the world’s largest design weeks. The 2017 iteration of Beijing Design Week included over 1000 components and attracted 8 million participants. In collaboration with Guest City, Copenhagen, the 2018 iteration theme is Design and High Quality Development. In addition to over a hundred exhibitions, conferences and events, two main exhibitions illuminate the theme: The Past 40 Years, and Tradition: Intangible Cultural Heritage Design. The events take place from 23 September to 7 October 2018 and will include ten activities: Design Night (opening ceremony), Themed Exhibition, Guest of the City, Classic Design Award, Beijing Design Forum, Design Fair, Innovation Design Services Conference, Design Trade Fair, Design Hop and Fashion Beijing.
Beijing Design Week 2017
For more information on this event, please refer to Montréal Special Meeting 2017 Report. Montréal meeting participants were enthusiastic about expanding the format in 2018. As a result, the Beijing Special Meeting 2018 will be expanded to include 35-40 entities, meeting over two days.
The International Council of Design (ico-D) is the world's largest representative of the international community of professional designers, composed of national design associations, design education institutions and design promotion entities. Founded in 1963, it is a non- profit, non-partisan, Member-based network working within the multidisciplinary scope of design. ico-D is a member of the Steering Committee responsible for the International Design Summit Meeting and the Montréal Design Declaration.
Beijing Design Week (BJDW) has been authorised by China central government and co-sponsored by China Ministry of Culture and the Beijing Municipal Government since 2009. BJDW is an important platform for the state to promote the integration of creative design and design-related industries, and plays a key role in the construction of Beijing’s identity as a cultural center for culture, sci-tech innovation international communications.
Courtesy translation into Chinese provided by BJDW:
中国,北京 - 继2017年10月21日在蒙特利尔成功举行会议之后,国际设计理事会(ico-D)与北京国际设计周(BJDW)合作,将于2018年9月21日至22日在北京举办ico-D“特别会议”。此次是以特别会议的形式搭建一个促进和支持北京国际设计周、设计双年展,设计博物馆和设计城市等区域设计平台。
多伦多设计交流博物馆的Shauna Levy总结了她作为2017年特别会议参与者的经历:“聆听每个人所面临的挑战和成功以及获得认同感和相关性非常重要。我们大多数人都是领导职位,我们大部分时间都是独立工作。与其同行分享想法并聆听他们思路的非常重要,尤其他们是来自于全球各地。我相信此次对话会继续进行下去。”
2018年北京特别会议的邀请将在接下来的2个月内发布。此次特别会议将与每年一度的全球最大的设计周之一的北京国际设计周开幕一并进行 。2017北京设计周包括1000多个活动,吸引了800万参与者。 哥本哈根是2018年北京国际设计周的主宾城市,2018年的主题是设计与高质量发展。除此以外,将有一百多个展览、会议和相关活动,其中两个主要展览还阐述了:过去40年设计的发展之路以及传统:非物质文化遗产设计。
国际设计理事会(ico-D)是全球最大的专业设计师国际社区代表,由国家设计协会,设计教育机构和设计推广实体组成。该公司成立于1963年,是一个非营利,无党派,以会员为基础的网络平台,在多学科的设计范围内开展工作。 ico-D是负责国际设计峰会和蒙特利尔设计宣言的指导委员会成员。
For more information, please contact:
Alisha Piercy
Communications Officer


new member | school of design at the southern university of science and technology (SUSTech) (china)

new member | shanghai academy of fine arts (SAFA) (china)

new member | national institute of design (NID) ahmedabad (india)