Tasmeem Doha 2011 announces Entrepreneurship Challenge

28.06.2010 News
Doha (Qatar) - The Tasmeem Conference for 2011, organised by the (VCUQatar), has launched an Entrepreneurship Challenge, inviting participation from all students currently working with entrepreneurial projects that place design at the core.
Are you a designer who has an entrepreneurial project that you cannot wait to tell us about? Will your project serve as a 'Synaptic Link' that links ideas, people, designers and industry? Will your project have the potential to make an impact that will reverberate? Do you have more ideas that you would like to share with others including potential stakeholders?
Would you like to travel to Doha, Qatar to present your ideas to an audience of incredible designers and regional/international stakeholders at the Tasmeem 2011 - Synapse - Designer as Link conference during the week of 21-24 March 2011? Then make a submission!
Each submission must include a poster that illustrates the entrepreneurial project, like a visual business plan, accompanied by an executive summary of the business plan and resumes of each project participants.
A panel of judges made of venture capitalists, successful entrepreneurs, potential investors, leading educators and designers will select 12 young entrepreneurial designers/students as final candidates.
Each finalist will receive:*
* The scholarship will provide funding for one representative on a team to travel to Doha and attend the conference. The winning proposal may have the opportunity to receive seed funding and space to incubate the business at the Qatar Science and Technology Park, Doha, Qatar.
The submission deadline is: Monday 10 January 2011.
Find out the complete details at:
For more information, please contact:
Donna Duffett
Events Project Manager
PO Box 8095
Doha, Qatar
T: +974 4812616
F: +974 4817058
E: dduffett@qatar.vcu.edu
Are you a designer who has an entrepreneurial project that you cannot wait to tell us about? Will your project serve as a 'Synaptic Link' that links ideas, people, designers and industry? Will your project have the potential to make an impact that will reverberate? Do you have more ideas that you would like to share with others including potential stakeholders?
Would you like to travel to Doha, Qatar to present your ideas to an audience of incredible designers and regional/international stakeholders at the Tasmeem 2011 - Synapse - Designer as Link conference during the week of 21-24 March 2011? Then make a submission!
Each submission must include a poster that illustrates the entrepreneurial project, like a visual business plan, accompanied by an executive summary of the business plan and resumes of each project participants.
A panel of judges made of venture capitalists, successful entrepreneurs, potential investors, leading educators and designers will select 12 young entrepreneurial designers/students as final candidates.
Each finalist will receive:*
- A scholarship to travel to Doha
- Hotel accommodation
- Conference attendance
- A booth to display your project/s
- Opportunity to speak at the conference and an opportunity to present your ideas to the best potential investors and supporters of innovation in Qatar
* The scholarship will provide funding for one representative on a team to travel to Doha and attend the conference. The winning proposal may have the opportunity to receive seed funding and space to incubate the business at the Qatar Science and Technology Park, Doha, Qatar.
The submission deadline is: Monday 10 January 2011.
Find out the complete details at:
For more information, please contact:
Donna Duffett
Events Project Manager
PO Box 8095
Doha, Qatar
T: +974 4812616
F: +974 4817058
E: dduffett@qatar.vcu.edu
About Tasmeem 2011 / Synapse: Designer as Link
Taking place March 21-24, 2011, at VCUQatar in Doha, Qatar, the upcoming conference will employ a structure that requires a highly collaborative, interdisciplinary and student centered approach. The organisational structure of 'Synapse' will be made up of several distinct, but interrelated 'teams' with specific operational responsibilities. The theme focuses on the role that VCUQatar plays in creating a venue that is like the synaptic gap where ideas are transmitted through an energised fluid.www.tasmeemdoha.com
About VCUQatar
Located in the heart of a city and region with an extraordinarily vibrant and diverse cultural heritage, VCUQ plays a central role in the modern cultural life of Qataris and Middle Easterners. VCUQ offers students the opportunity to earn a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Graphic Design, Fashion Design or Interior Design, through a comprehensive four-year curriculum. The only fully accredited design program in the Middle East, VCUQ is a branch campus of the prestigious VCU School of the Arts in Richmond, Virginia.www.qatar.vcu.edu


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