01.08.2009 News
Taipei, Taiwan (Chinese Taipei) - The Call for Entries for the 2009 Taiwan International Graphic Design Award is open until 31 August 2009. Organised by the , with the support of Icograda's professional members in Taiwan (Chinese Taipei), the Award has been supported by the Department of Commercial Affairs of the Ministry of Economic Affairs since 2004.
This year, the award scheme includes the usual Poster Design Award and introduces a new stream, the , both endorsed by Icograda.
The special theme for this year's edition of the award scheme is "Harmonious human/nature relationship".
The international jury panel for the Poster Design Award includes:
The Poster section prizes include a Grand Prize of USD $5000, two Gold Medals of USD $2000, two Silver Medals of USD $1000 and two Bronze Medals of USD $500.
The CI section prizes includes two Gold Medals of USD $2000, two Silver Medals of USD $1000 and two Bronze Medals of USD $500, as well as an Icograda Excellence Award, JAGDA Excellence Award and two Local New Talents Awards Medals
For complete regulations and instructions on submitting work, visit the event website.
For more information, please contact:
China Productivity Center
"Taiwan International Poster Design Award" organising team
2 F, No 79, Section 1, Hsintaiwu Rd
Hsichih City
Taiwan (Chinese Taipei) 221
T: +886 2 2698 2989 ext 2073, 2401
F: +886 2 2698 9335
E: 2073@cpc.tw, 2401@cpc.tw
W: www.cpc.tw
Contact person: Ms. Zhu, Ms. Hsiao
About the Organisers
The China Productivity Center is a Promotional Member of Icograda. The Taiwan Graphic Design Association (TGDA), Taiwan Poster Design Association (TPDA), Kaioshung Creators Assocation (KCA) and the Graphic Design Assocation of Taiwan (GDA-Taiwan) are all Professional Members of Icograda.
This year, the award scheme includes the usual Poster Design Award and introduces a new stream, the , both endorsed by Icograda.
The special theme for this year's edition of the award scheme is "Harmonious human/nature relationship".
The international jury panel for the Poster Design Award includes:
- Tsung-Hung Su?Taiwan (Chinese Taipei) Art Director of Lemon Yellow Design Company, professor of the Department of Fine Arts, Chinese Culture University.
- Jeff, Che-Fu Liao?Taiwan (Chinese Taipei) Art Director of Feng Geh Image Design
- Freeman Lau? Hong Kong SAR, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Hong Kong Design Centre, Partner of Kan & Lau Design Consultants, received the 2008 Ten Outstanding Young Persons Award.
- Fons Hickmann?Germany Co-founder of Fons Hickmann m23
- Martin Woodtli?Switzerland Lecturer in the Academy of Art in Bern and the Academy of Art and Design in Lucerne and winner of the ÂSwiss Design Award.Â
- Taddy Ho?Taiwan (Chinese Taipei) Director of Operating Committee, BBDO Taiwan Advertising Co., Ltd, Associate professor of the Department of Fine Arts, National Taiwan Normal University.
- Jianpin He?Germany, Director of Hesign International.
- Taky Satoh?Japan, leader of "Taku Satoh Design Office" and winner of the Tokyo TDC Award in Tokyo and the ADC silver award in New York.
- Vince Frost?Australia, leader of "Frost Design."
- Debbie Millman?USA, president of Sterling Brands
The Poster section prizes include a Grand Prize of USD $5000, two Gold Medals of USD $2000, two Silver Medals of USD $1000 and two Bronze Medals of USD $500.
The CI section prizes includes two Gold Medals of USD $2000, two Silver Medals of USD $1000 and two Bronze Medals of USD $500, as well as an Icograda Excellence Award, JAGDA Excellence Award and two Local New Talents Awards Medals
For complete regulations and instructions on submitting work, visit the event website.
For more information, please contact:
China Productivity Center
"Taiwan International Poster Design Award" organising team
2 F, No 79, Section 1, Hsintaiwu Rd
Hsichih City
Taiwan (Chinese Taipei) 221
T: +886 2 2698 2989 ext 2073, 2401
F: +886 2 2698 9335
E: 2073@cpc.tw, 2401@cpc.tw
W: www.cpc.tw
Contact person: Ms. Zhu, Ms. Hsiao
About the Organisers
The China Productivity Center is a Promotional Member of Icograda. The Taiwan Graphic Design Association (TGDA), Taiwan Poster Design Association (TPDA), Kaioshung Creators Assocation (KCA) and the Graphic Design Assocation of Taiwan (GDA-Taiwan) are all Professional Members of Icograda.


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