Rediscovery: Looking Back in Order to Move Forward

04.11.2012 News
Icograda and are pleased to announce the successful completion
of Rediscovery: Icograda Design Week in Sarawak 2012, which took place
recently in Kuching, Sarawak. Rediscovery provided a vibrant platform for sharing, collaboration and inspiration among local and international designers in an atmosphere steeped in Sarawak's indigenous cultures and traditions.
ÂWe believe that this is the beginning for a new kind of design to
take place. One that respects other cultures and shares a new sense of
wisdom by making this planet a better place to stay. Muhamad Razif
Nasruddin (wREGA)
It is said that there is a reason why the windscreen of a car is
larger than the rear view mirror. This saying places emphasis on the
future but as with driving a car it also highlights the necessity to
take an occasional glance back. Rediscovery reflected on that idea as a way to inspire the future of design. The conference showcased speakers who demonstrated how past traditions and culture can be reinterpreted to unearth unique and authentic ways to represent place, people and everyday life
through design.
wREGA representative, Muhamad Razif Nasruddin said, ÂIt was with great
honour to have everyone share their great wealth of design knowledge
during the Rediscovery: Icograda Design Week 2012. Truly, it was a time
of great opportunity to reflect on our past traditions as we move into
a new future in this world full of design. We believe that this is the
beginning for a new kind of design to take shape. One that respects
other cultures and shares a new sense of wisdom by making this planet
a better place to stay.Â
The quality of local and international speakers, as well as workshop
leaders was excellent. They covered a wide range of indigenous related
design interests, which ranged from local, traditionally-inspired,
contemporary craft to corporate indigenous inspired place branding and
airline branding.
Rediscovery speaker Gustavo Koniszczer from Futurebrand Argentina
said, ÂI just wanted to thank you for your invitation to participate
in the Icograda Rediscovery Design Week in Kuching. It was a great
time; I met great people, in an exciting environment with great
stories and experiences to share.Â
Swinburne University Sarawak Campus, a leading education hub in the
region hosted a pre-conference workshop and regional industry
roundtable meeting. This very important meeting was chaired by
Professor Helmut Lueckenhausen the former Pro Vice-Chancellor and
Chief Executive of Swinburne Sarawak. The recommendations and outcomes
of this meeting will be formatted into a letter, which will be
officially presented to the Prime Minister of Malaysia on behalf of
Icograda, wREGA and the Malaysian design profession.
Icograda and wREGA agree that Rediscovery exceeded expectations and
are confident that it fulfilled its objectives by sharing relevant
case studies demonstrating the integration of design strategy and
technology to develop sustainable business models for craft
industries. Rediscovery was also an opportunity to showcase different
ways in which design and branding can appropriately and respectfully
elevate the profile of indigenous culture, while simultaneously learning
from traditional practices.
Icograda would like to thank all Rediscovery participants. In
particular we would like to acknowledge the amazing work, vision and
determination of Michael Goh, Immediate Past President wREGA, Zachary
Ong, President wREGA, and the whole wREGA team. Their efforts and hard
work really have established an ongoing agenda for the future of
design. Congratulations!
Icograda would also acknowledge and thank Swinburne University Sarawak
Campus and all the volunteers who contributed their services. INDIGO
representatives Frida Larios, Zelda Harrison, David Lancashire, Sali
Sasaki and Tony Ward also deserve a special mention for their
contribution to this amazing event. Finally a special thank you to
Karuna Pillay, Rediscovery Event Manager.


in memoriam: essam abu awad (1958-2021)

in memoriam: yu bingnan (1933–2020)