20.05.2007 News
Loccum (Germany) - This international conference is organised by the Institute for Design Research. It is the
central sustainablilty event for ecological design in Germany this
year. It has the patronage of the United Nations Environment Programme
(UNEP) and is supported by Deutscher Designertag, Deutscher Werkbund
Nord, NDR Inforadio and dbv Deutscher Buchverlag. Speakers are from
Austria, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, the Netherlands, and the United
Sustainability is a great challenge for companies, designers, architects and urban planners - the conference will give a new orientation and explores the possibilities of a new - Green - Bauhaus movement on an international basis. The conference focuses on representatives of the economy, science and culture as well on the general public to identify new ways for responsible and sustainable design for products, services and the environment.
Among the speakers are : Volker Hartkopf (Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh), Michael Braungart (MBDC, Charlottesville), Tony Reynaldo (Ohio State University, Columbus), Satish Kumar (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Jan Jacobs (Technische Universit t Delft), Ursula Tischner (Design Academy Eindhoven), Wolfgang Wimmer (Technische Universit t Wien); Karl-Eckard Carius (Institut f r intermediare Gestaltung), Reinhard Komar (Institute for Design Research) and others. Politics are represented by Harry Lehmann (Federal Environment Department/Umweltbundesamt) and Gunther Bachmann (Council for Sustainable Development /Rat fur Nachhaltige Entwicklung). Helmut Langer, Past President of Icogarda is acting as an advisor to the conference.
For the conference programme click here.
For further information please contact:
Sustainability is a great challenge for companies, designers, architects and urban planners - the conference will give a new orientation and explores the possibilities of a new - Green - Bauhaus movement on an international basis. The conference focuses on representatives of the economy, science and culture as well on the general public to identify new ways for responsible and sustainable design for products, services and the environment.
Among the speakers are : Volker Hartkopf (Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh), Michael Braungart (MBDC, Charlottesville), Tony Reynaldo (Ohio State University, Columbus), Satish Kumar (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Jan Jacobs (Technische Universit t Delft), Ursula Tischner (Design Academy Eindhoven), Wolfgang Wimmer (Technische Universit t Wien); Karl-Eckard Carius (Institut f r intermediare Gestaltung), Reinhard Komar (Institute for Design Research) and others. Politics are represented by Harry Lehmann (Federal Environment Department/Umweltbundesamt) and Gunther Bachmann (Council for Sustainable Development /Rat fur Nachhaltige Entwicklung). Helmut Langer, Past President of Icogarda is acting as an advisor to the conference.
For the conference programme click here.
For further information please contact:
Evangelische Akademie Loccum
P.O. Box 21 54
D-31545 Rehburg-Loccum
Muenchehaeger Strasse 12
D-31547 Rehburg-Loccum
T: +49 57 66 / 81-0 (Zentrale)
F: +49 57 66 / 81-9 00
E: eal@evlka.de


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