message from the board

08.12.2015 News
December 2015
Dear Colleagues,
In this first message of the 2015-2017 term, I would like to start by recognizing the accomplishments of the previous term under the leadership of Past President Iva Babaja. Two years ago, Iva took charge of Icograda - still suffering from turbulence and the disintegration of the IDA. In Gwangju, she turned over ico-D – an organization much stronger in terms of finances and infrastructure, on a clear course and with many important projects and events in the pipeline. These very important achievements show what can be accomplished in two short years. It sets a high standard for the current Board.
In retrospect, it is clear that the then ambitious step taken at the 2013 Montreal GA to finalize the decade+ long Icograda led effort towards design community integration by declaring itself fully interdisciplinary through the ico-D format has been very empowering. In rapid fashion, we have been able to invigorate our activities, broaden our scope and raise our profile. The international design community has recognized the significance of our actions through growing interest in ico-D membership and increased readiness to collaborate with ico-D. Others are following our example. There is more work to be done to further integration and, having successfully taken the critical first steps, ico-D is in a leadership position to continue the process.
The Montreal World Design Summit that will take place in October 2017 is central to ico-D strategy. This event will see representatives of the international design community sharing a Summit table with leading international financial, social, environmental and cultural entities to recognize the enhanced role that design can play. ico-D is playing a key role in the Summit process as one of the three design-related members of the Summit Steering Committee, along with our partners the International Federation of Landscape Architecture (IFLA) and the International Federation of Housing and Planning (IFHP). We salute the World Design Summit Organization (WDSO) and their Montreal, Quebec and Canadian partners who are investing enormously in the project. We are heartened by the declaration in Gwangju by other members of the international design community to support the ’17 Summit effort and look forward to these declarations becoming official agreements to board the bus.
Besides the actual Summit meeting, the Montreal 2017 events will include an all-encompassing, multi-disciplinary Congress, an Expo and a city-wide Festival. Dozens are hard at work planning these events. Please plan to participate.
ico-D members will be able to directly influence the Summit agenda and outcomes through ico-D Platform activities and particularly through participation in the two Platform Meetings that will take place in 2016.
The eduPM will take place at Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California on 20-21 August 2016. At this meeting participants will discuss issues relevant to educational institutions (curriculum development, standards and evaluation; design research; faculty development; collaboration with the professional community; life-long learning; etc.). Participants will also discuss how aspects of these issues should be addressed at the Montreal Summit within the context of National Design Policy recommendations. The eduPM will also be an opportunity for ico-D members to initiate bilateral projects and collaborations.
The prof/promPM and AGM will take place in Istanbul, Turkey in October 2016, concurrent with the third Istanbul Design Biennial. At this meeting, Members will discuss issues relevant to professional associations and promotional entities (certification and accreditation; professional development; communicating the value of design; National Design Policy models; etc.). The PM will enable members to directly impact Summit content and outcomes.
The Summit and ico-D Platform development through effective PMs are primary objectives of the current term. In addition, we will be enhancing communications efforts and the provision of value to members.
It is the responsibility of the ico-D Board to work diligently to achieve these objectives. However the active participation of ico-D Members is critical to this success. Please be involved, communicate and take part in the Pasadena, Istanbul and Montreal events.
I look forward to working with the new Board to serve our community. I will be communicating periodically to report on progress.
Our community is blessed with many dedicated and highly motivated individuals who contribute day in and day out to improve the state of Design. Sadly, Matthew Searle, a colleague from WDSO working on the 2017 Summit passed away in Toronto a few days ago. All his many ico-D friends, shocked by his passing, convey our deepest condolences to his friends and family.
David Grossman
Message from the Board 2015 ()


in memoriam: essam abu awad (1958-2021)

in memoriam: yu bingnan (1933–2020)