29.01.2007 News
Icograda, in partnership
with DesignSingapore Council, is pleased to present an evening with
members of the Icograda Executive Board on 12 February 2007 at
Singapore s National Library. Mervyn Kurlansky (United Kingdom) and
Omar Vulpinari (Italy) will explore the intersection between design and
social responsibility.
Mervyn Kurlansky was born in
Johannesburg, South Africa in 1936. He trained in London at the Central
School of Art and Design and then freelanced before becoming Graphics
Director of Planning Unit, the design consultancy service of Knoll
International. In 1969 he joined Crosby/Fletcher/Forbes and in 1972
co-founded Pentagram. His clients have included multinational
corporations, cultural establishments and educational institutions
throughout the world. His work is in the permanent collection of the
Museum of Modern Art, New York and has been featured in several
publications and exhibitions worldwide. He conceived and designed the
book Watching My Name Go By, a celebration of New York's colourful
graffiti. He was also a co-author of four books about Pentagram.
Vulpinari was born in the Republic of San Marino in 1963 and raised in
the United States. Today he lives in Treviso, Italy. Since 1998, he has
been the creative director of the Visual Communication Department at
Fabrica, the Benetton research center on communication founded by
Oliviero Toscani. Fabrica's communication design work under his
direction has been featured by major international press and
exhibitions at the Bonnefanten Museum in Maastricht, the National
Museum of Arts and Traditions in Rome, the Vivid Gallery in Rotterdam,
the GGG in Tokyo, the DDD Gallery in Osaka, the ZeroOne Design Center
in Seoul. In 2006 it was featured in the exhibition 'Fabrica: Les Yeux
Ouverts' at the Centre Pompidou in Paris. Omar teaches at the
University of San Marino - University of Venice, where in 2006 he
directed of the lecture series Graphic Design and Social Concern.
Possibility Room, Level 5
National Library Board
100 Victoria Street
Singapore 188064
For further information please contact:
About DesignSingapore Council
DesignSingapore Council is a high-level Council involving leaders and
individuals from the various industry stakeholders, the design
community and government. It serves as a common platform to steer the
national design agenda and coordinate the implementation of the
initiative. The DesignSingapore Council is an associate member of
Icograda. www.designsingapore.org
About Icograda
International Council of Graphic Design Associations (Icograda) is the
representative, non-partisan, international non-governmental
organisation for professional communication design. From its core
membership of graphic design associations, Icograda has expanded to
include design promotion agencies, design education institutions and
design media. Today, Icograda has 195 members and numerous individual
and corporate friends in 57 countries worldwide. The vision, mission
and core values of the council are collectively embodied in the
statement 'leading creatively' and manifested through our members'
diverse activities to use design as a medium for progressive change. www.icograda.org


in memoriam: essam abu awad (1958-2021)

in memoriam: yu bingnan (1933–2020)