jovana milović added to list of esteemed lifetime friends

26.11.2015 News
Former Managing Director, Jovana Miloviã, has been described by Iva Babaja, ico-D’s Past President, as a “lasting personal friend”. It is for her friendship and her sharp-minded grace as a leader, that Jovana has been granted a Lifetime Friend status at ico-D—a position awarded for outstanding commitment and achievement within the International Council of Design, where Jovana transitioned Icograda into becoming the multidisciplinary Council that it is today.
In just two years as MD, Jovana managed to consolidate resources to pave the way for the name change—to the International Council of Design (ico-D), and for the smooth evolution towards becoming a body that would advocate for all fields of design.
"Jovana left some big shoes to fill, she is someone who is both conscientious and razor smart. The rigour and optimism with which she approached the challenges of her term and the clarity of vision she had going forward are standards to which a future MD will have to work hard to achieve. On a personal note, Jovana is kind, considerate, and has been incredibly generous with everyone who has had the good fortune of working with her."
—Ana Masut, ico-D Managing Director
Originally from Serbia, Jovana holds an MA in Philosophy and a BA (Hon) in Philosophy and Political Theory from the University of Toronto. As Managing Director from 2013-2015, Jovana was responsible for the overall operational and administrative management of the ico-D Secretariat, implementation of Board-directed strategy and policy, delivery of programmes and development of membership, affiliations and partnerships.
Jovana’s strength in strategic policy implementation positioned her as point-person during the recent evolution of the Council. Emerging out of the financial crisis of 2012, Jovana implemented mechanisms of financial oversight, due diligence processes for the Councils’ invoicing, on-the-ground, bi-weekly meetings with the Treasurer, and instituted careful membership oversight in collaboration with the Audit Committee to establish transparent communications. The resulting surplus capital allowed not only the implementation of an interim ico-D website, but also a re-location to a new space and improved HR for the Secretariat.
Jovana describes herself as “passionate about community-building, progressive social change, and the development of grassroots and not-for-profit organisations seeking to better the conditions of life for all”; Jovana can be further described by ico-D as: evolved, connected, principled, and most of all, deeply valued as a person and ico-D leader, and the Council both thanks her for her supreme dedication and welcomes her to the important roster of ico-D Lifetime Friends.
While her presence is much missed by her colleagues at the Secretariat, Jovana leaves a legacy that will follow her. The entire ico-D community commends Jovana for her great work, and sends her onwards with heartfelt courage for her upcoming journey to South East Asia.
“Jovana's kindness, patience and composure stand out for me. Jovana always knew how to be professional but keep things lighthearted and fun.”
—Caroline Jelovcic, Membership Coordinator


in memoriam: essam abu awad (1958-2021)

in memoriam: yu bingnan (1933–2020)