05.12.2006 News
Copenhagen (Denmark) - On 16 November, at the grand opening of the new INDEX
award year year, Ged Davis, managing director in World Economic forum,
met up with INDEX board member Mette Laursen, CEO and founder of LinKS,
for a talk on design INDEX: and the creative imperative.
You can here what Ged Davis had to say about the link between design and the bottom line on the INDEX site.
Due to massive attention (and the global design community's practice of working VERY close to deadlines) the deadline for submitting nominations for INDEX: Award has been postponed until 20 December 2006.
The continuous focus of INDEX: is Design to Improve Life - design that substantially improves important aspects of human life.
Through a wide range of activities and events, INDEX: takes on the role as catalyst for Design to Improve Life. INDEX: spurs public and professional awareness of the great and too often unnoticed potential in design.
INDEX: presents the best examples of Design to Improve Life, awards the very best and gives access to the underlying processes, thinking and people, by:
- Awarding the biggest design award in the world worth EUR 500 000. INDEX: Award is awarded in the categories Body, Home, Work, Play and Community.
- Presenting international design exhibitions.
- Hosting summits for the world leaders of design and innovation.
- Publishing and distributing knowledge.
INDEX: encourages designers, businesses and society alike to unfold the human and commercial potential in Design to Improve Life, and thus work to solve the global challenges of humanity! For further information please contact:
You can here what Ged Davis had to say about the link between design and the bottom line on the INDEX site.
Due to massive attention (and the global design community's practice of working VERY close to deadlines) the deadline for submitting nominations for INDEX: Award has been postponed until 20 December 2006.
The continuous focus of INDEX: is Design to Improve Life - design that substantially improves important aspects of human life.
Through a wide range of activities and events, INDEX: takes on the role as catalyst for Design to Improve Life. INDEX: spurs public and professional awareness of the great and too often unnoticed potential in design.
INDEX: presents the best examples of Design to Improve Life, awards the very best and gives access to the underlying processes, thinking and people, by:
- Awarding the biggest design award in the world worth EUR 500 000. INDEX: Award is awarded in the categories Body, Home, Work, Play and Community.
- Presenting international design exhibitions.
- Hosting summits for the world leaders of design and innovation.
- Publishing and distributing knowledge.
INDEX: encourages designers, businesses and society alike to unfold the human and commercial potential in Design to Improve Life, and thus work to solve the global challenges of humanity! For further information please contact:


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