03.05.2009 News
- Pamela Ebert-Flattau, IDA Science and Technology Policy Institute
Speaker at DD4D, Thursday 18 June
is a conference for intermediaries between data, knowledge and empowerment. It will investigate the selection, visualisation, interpretation and communication of data, and how it can be effectively used to:
- help understand complex issues,
- make data relevant at a personal level,
- close the gap between objective measurement and perception, and
- take decisions based on evidence.
The Programme
The call for papers brought a wealth of content from around the
world, from people working in government departments, universities, the
media, NGOs and private enterprise. The final speakers are from more than 20 countries covering such diverse disciplines as economics and statistics, social and cognitive science, information design, visualisation, the media, or development planning.
Reality Checks: Real projects, real data, real communication
parallel to the DD4D conference people around the world can participate
in gathering information on how we communicate, visualise and
understand data in various contexts.
Open Case Studies
The case studies will concentrate on
data as part of decision making processes within communities. Topics
should be in the areas of Health, Finance, Environment, Education,
Security or Infrastructure and Mobility.
Communication Benchmarks
Bank statements, phone
bills, forms, web sites, road signs, and product instructions are types
of information used everyday by millions of people. The Communication Benchmarks Program has been developed by the Communication Research Institute to help measure the quality of this type of information around the world.
The venue is the new OECD conference centre in the heart of Paris, the format
includes "Tea for Two (T42)" sessions, which enable five 20-minute head to head
encounters with other participants and speakers. Similar to the concept of speed
dating or the "blackmarket for useful knowledge", participants can book time with others who registered for T42. This may be one of the key speakers or anyone else who has an interesting biography - including you. Be prepared for unexpected encounters - anyone may choose you as their preference.
Participants should expect to leave with insights into their own subject area, a look beyond the usual boundaries of discipline, and new, unexpected alliances.
for more details.
For more information, please contact:
Veronika Egger
International Institute for Information Design (IIID)
Palffygase 27/17
1170 Vienna
T: +43 1 403 66 62
F: +43 1 403 66 62-15
E: veronika.egger@dd4d.net
W: www.dd4d.net
About IIID
The International Institute for Information Design (IIID) was founded to develop research and practice in optimizing information and information systems for knowledge transfer in everyday life, business, education and science. The main concern of the Institute is to contribute to a better understanding within the human community with respect to cultural and economic issues by means of improved visual and non-visual communication.
IIID is Associate Partner to the OECD Global Project and an Affiliate Member of Icograda. www.iiid.net
About the OECD Global Project
In 2004, the OECD arranged the First World Forum on "Statistics, Knowledge and Policy", with the aim of discussing how systems of key indicators can support policy discussions. The OECD, in co-operation with the European Commission, the Organisation of the Islamic Conference, the United Nations and the World Bank, organised the second World Forum in June 2007 (Istanbul, Turkey) on "Measuring and Fostering the Progress of Societies". The Global Project is organising a series of conferences: the discussion and outcomes of which will flow through to the third World Forum on ÂCharting Progress, Building Visions, Improving Life to be held in Busan, Korea on 27-30 October 2009. www.oecd.org/progress


in memoriam: essam abu awad (1958-2021)

in memoriam: yu bingnan (1933–2020)