Icograda endorses Taiwan International Graphic Design Award 2011

26.06.2011 News
Icograda endorses Taiwan International Graphic Design Award 2011
Montréal (Canada)  Icograda is endorsing the Taiwan International Graphic Design Award 2011. The China Productivity Centre (CPC) is organising the event in cooperation with the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Department of Commercial Affairs (MOEA) and in association with the Graphic Design Association of Taiwan (GDA-Taiwan), Taiwan Graphic Design Association (TGDA), Taiwan Poster Design Association (TPDA), Kaohsiung Creators Association (KCA). The Taiwan International Graphic Design Award 2011 showcases how members within Icograda's network are working to foster recognition and respect of design by individuals, clients and society at large, as a valued and vital profession. The 2011 edition is the fifth anniversary of the award scheme.
Begun in 2005 as the Taiwan International Poster Design Award, the competition was expanded in 2009 with the addition of the Taiwan International Corporate Identity (CI) Design Award was added in 2009. The goal is to promote commercial design and to provide local designers the opportunity to share their works and ideas with the international community. Outstanding work of commercial value and international vision will be selected to raise the visibility of Taiwan (Chinese Taipei)Âs design potential and internationalise its design industry.
International Jury Panel
Each award has an international judging panel. The announced jurors for 2011 include:
Poster Design Award
- Tsung-Hung Su  Taiwan (Chinese Taipei)
- Jeff, Che-Fu Liao  Taiwan (Chinese Taipei)
- Kenya Hara  Japan
- Carin Goldberg  United States
- Helmut Langer  Germany
CI Design Award
- Taddy Ho  Taiwan (Chinese Taipei)
- Wenping Hsiao  Taiwan (Chinese Taipei)
- Min Wang  China
- Katsunori Aoki  Japan
Winning entries will receive medals and cash prizes. An Icograda Excellence Award will be presented in the CI category. The award scheme is accepting submissions until 4 September 2011. Consult the event endorsement page for competition guidelines and submission details.
For more information, please contact:
Gabriel Gosselin
Communications Manager
T +1 514 448 4949 x 234
E fggosselin@icograda.org
Sergio Figueredo
Membership Coordinator
T +1 514 448 4949 x 233
E sfigueredo@icograda.org
About China Productivity Centre (CPC)
Established in 1955, the China Productivity Center (CPC) was organised by fifty public and private commercial and industrial businesses. CPC has combined innovative concept elements and its own ample business management force to integrate marketing modules and mechanisms with consultation to help Taiwan (Chinese Taipei)'s creative industry to grow, connect innovative products to the market, promote marketing and to substantiate new business opportunities and profitable operations.
About Icograda Endorsements
Icograda endorses select activities internationally that advance our objective to promote the value of communication design. Endorsement demonstrates that these activities enhance the awareness of design, professional practice and ethics. For award schemes and competitions, an Icograda endorsement is recognition that it has been organised to meet international best practice guidelines  including jury composition, evaluation criteria and intellectual property protection.


in memoriam: essam abu awad (1958-2021)

in memoriam: yu bingnan (1933–2020)