Icograda Board Message

18.06.2014 News
Dear Icograda member,
Recently the Icograda Board met in Zagreb, Croatia, for the second Board Meeting of the 2013-2015 term. For me personally, it was a great pleasure to host the Board in my hometown and a special occasion to celebrate this wonderful team of individuals who dedicate their time and resources to serve Icograda. The focus of the meeting was on streamlining the roadmap for the term, as well as in refining the strategy and objectives we set at the start of the term. For this, the main resource and inspiration came from members themselves via surveys.
Icograda Board and Staff in Zagreb, Croatia (from left to right):
Jovana Milovic, Robert Glogowski, David Grossman, Lawrence Zeegen, Peter Florentzos, Heidrun Mumper-Drumm, Iva Babaja, Yesim Demir, Kyle Hyunsuk Kim; Not pictured: Ric Grefe
The inaugural Education Member Platform Meeting will be held 23-24 August in Hong Kong, hosted by HKDI. The registration is still open and I would like to use this opportunity to stress the importance of attending this critically important event for our Educational members. Not only is this a unique opportunity to gather, discuss and refine the agenda of Icograda itself, but the meeting will be a starting point of many initiatives and work-groups that we hope will draw active member participation. If you have not yet registered, please do so here. To see very interesting results of the Educational Member survey please visit here.
The inaugural Professional Member Platform Meeting will take place in New York on 25-26 October, hosted by AIGA, in conjunction with Icograda’s Annual General Meeting. As Professional membership forms the core of Icograda, this meeting is of particular importance in forming our programme for the future and we strongly urge all professional members to attend. To learn more about the event, please visit the event page. Registration will open soon.
The Icograda Annual General Meeting will be held on 25 October in the morning. It is not just an opportunity to inform the members of the progress we have made since 2013 General Assembly, but an important opportunity for members to provide input and feedback to the Board on how the strategy outlined at our GA is being implemented. The Board is preparing several proposals, amongst them the historically important name change for the Council, as mandated by the members at the GA. The AGM package will be shared with all members two months prior to the event, and if you are unable to attend, we would urge you to arrange for a proxy once registration is launched to ensure your voice is heard.
The first Guy Shockaert Prize will be awarded on the occasion of our AGM in New York.
We are also pleased to announce that the inaugural Promotional Member Platform Meeting has been scheduled for 23-24 February 2015 in Pretoria, south Africa in conjunction with an Africa Regional Meeting, hosted by SABS. The Promotional Member survey is underway and registration for the events will open later this year.
In light of the challenges weathered over the past term, we are pleased to report that our annual financial review has shown great progress in our financial health, and upgraded oversight procedures have been introduced. The Board is collaborating with the Audit Committee to ensure good oversight and the Audit Committee will also have an opportunity to address the members at the AGM. With this, we can conclude that the crisis we have faced is definitely over and steady growth is enabling us to expand our staff and the range of our services to members.
One of the most important topics for this term is the upgrade of our communication channels and the Board is hard at work in preparing an exciting communications strategy to be presented at the AGM. We sincerely hope our members will embrace it and take an active role in its implementation.
Shortly before our last Board Meeting, the Board signed an agreement with Gwangju Metropolitan City and the Korean Craft and Design Foundation to collaborate in the major international Design Congress to take place in Gwangju, South Korea on 18-23 October 2015. The theme of the Congress will be ‘Design Connects’. The 26 Icograda General Assembly and Icograda member-category Platform Meetings will be conducted in alignment with the Congress. The contract honours Icograda’s commitment to support Gwangju in this important effort, as unanimously mandated by the Icograda General Assembly 2013.
Icograda Board also signed an important Partnership agreement with Bloomsbury Publishing, making Bloomsbury the publisher of the Journal of Communication Design. The Journal was originally launched in 2009 as the online publication Iridescent, with the aim of providing a platform to share ideas and findings between scholars and researchers across different cultures and to facilitate collaboration between the members of the Icograda network. Edited by an international editorial team, led by Editor Teal Triggs, the new incarnation of the journal will build on the rich groundwork already established. The Call for Papers is currently open, for publication in 2015.
The ongoing efforts of the Board are also focused on the continued negotiation with Montréal International for the continuation of Icograda’s presence in Montréal after the end of the current contract in May 2015.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Hong Kong and New York this year and once again urge you to use these opportunities to participate and be an active part of Icograda’s future.
Iva Babaja
?Icograda President 2013-2015


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