bid for the 2019 ico-D general assembly and events now open

16.03.2018 Announcements
Submissions are welcome from all ico-D Member organisations. Bidding is open to all geographic regions.
The ico-D General Assembly is an event that takes place every two years. It is where ico-D Professional, Educational and Promotional Members consider and vote on policy, elect the next Executive Board, and ratify the admission of new Member organisations, as well as discuss important proposals to make ico-D better able to serve the international design community. The General Assembly is paired with a Member event, the Platform Meeting, a format through which the Members can connect, share and influence the ico-D agenda.
The 2019 International Council of Design General Assembly and Events (ico-D GA) includes:
— 28th ico-D General Assembly (GA)
— 2019 Platform Meeting (PM)
— 2 ico-D Board Meetings (IBM) and Pre-Board Meetings
— associated dinners, receptions and other social activities
— the possibility of an additional conference or forum (at the discretion of Host)
ico-D GA
From 1964 to present, ico-D has had 27 General Assemblies:
2017 Montréal (Canada)
2015 Gwangju (South Korea)
2013 Montre?al (Canada)
2011 Taipei (Chinese Taiwan)
2009 Beijing (China)
2007 La Habana (Cuba)
2005 Copenhagen (Denmark)
2003 Nagoya (Japan)
2001 Johannesburg (South Africa)
2000 Seoul (South Korea)
1999 Sydney (Australia)
1997 Punte del Este (Uruguay)
1995 Lisboa/Porto (Portugal)
1993 Glasgow (Scotland)
1991 Montre?al (Canada)
1989 Tel Aviv (Israel)
1988 Oslo (Norway)
1987 Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
1985 Nice (France)
1983 Dublin (Ireland)
1981 Helsinki (Finland)
1979 Paris (France)
1977 Zurich/Lausanne (Switzerland)
1974 Krefeld/Dusseldorf (Germany)
1972 London (United Kingdom)
1971 Vienna (Austria)
1968 Eindhoven (The Netherlands)
1966 Bled, Slovenia (Yugoslavia)
1964 Zurich (Switzerland)
ico-D Platform Meetings
The goal of the PMs is to address transversal issues among regions and categories. Professional and Promotional Members face very similar challenges to do with the recognition of the profession, giving their members value, protecting intellectual property rights or positioning the sector to local government. Educational Members also face similar challenges: remaining current, preparing their students for industry, funding and sharing research, opportunities for exchange and benchmarking with other institutions. Past events include:
Montreal (2017)
Pasadena (2016)
New York (2014)
Hong Kong (2013)
Submission Process
The 28GA will take place in September/October of 2019. Those interested in bidding for this event, should follow the following two-step process:
01 Expression of Interest
Only ico-D Member organisations, or group of organisations, including an ico-D Member who is responsible for the bid may submit an Expression of Interest (EOI). Expressions of Interest must be submitted to the Secretariat by 16 May 2018. There is no limit to the number of Expressions of Interest that will be accepted for consideration. Each Expression of Interest must be accompanied by a non- refundable USD $300 deposit fee. This fee will be used toward the administrative costs of the review process.
All complete Expressions of Interest will be reviewed by the Secretariat and forwarded to the ico-D Executive Board for consideration.
Submissions should be sent to by 16 May 2018
02 Short List
In the case of multiple bids for the same event, the ico-D Executive Board, or an authorised sub-committee, will determine a short list of up to three submissions to move on to the final Bid consideration phase. Candidates retained for the second round will have a period of one month to answer any requests for additional information from the Board.
16 March 2018
Bid Process open
16 May 2018
Expressions of Interest deadline
01 July 2018
Candidates retained notified, requests for additional information
01 August 2018
Deadline for requests of additional information
15 August 2018
Notification of success sent to bidding organisation
01 September 2018
Event MOU signed for 2019 GA
September/October 2019
For additional information contact Elizabeth Carbonell, Events Manager at


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