02.04.2001 News
Brussels (Belgium) - In December 1999, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted a resolution to consider proclaiming a United Nations Literacy Decade within the global efforts for Education for All. This initiative was endorsed by participants at a special panel during the World Education Forum (Dakar, April 2000) and reiterated at the UN General Assembly Special Session Session on the implementation of the World Summit for Social Development (Geneva, June 2000). Under this proposed UN Literacy Decade, UNESCO advocates a "renewed vision of literacy" and Literacy for All: children, young people and adults, in and out of school.
Against this background, we decided to launch a worldwide consultation with both governments and civil society around the United Nations Literacy Decade. The consultation with civil society is being done electronically, using e-mail and the Internet. We are sending this message by e-mail to over 600 organizations of civil society (OCS) from all over the world, and inviting them to participate in this consultation. You are one such OCS selected.
The OCS list includes among others: higher education institutions, teacher training institutes, teacher associations and other professional organizations and networks, NGOs, religious and ethnic organizations, youth and women organizations, profit nd non-profit private organizations. They are national and international OCS, working in the field of both child and adult literacy, in and out of school, doing research or involved in concrete programmes or experiences.
We have opened a special e-mail address and a special site for the UN Literacy Decade:
E: unliteracydecade@unesco.org
W: <a href="http://www.unesco.org/education/literacydecade/" target="new">http://www.unesco.org/education/literacydecade</a>
In this site you will find:
1. Introduction to the consultation
2. Base document "Literacy for All: A United Nations Literacy Decade".
3. Consultation questionnaire.
4. Reference documents related to literacy and the UN Literacy Decade, such as the UN General Assembly Resolution on the UN literacy decade, Dakar Framework for Action, and literacy rate estimates around the world.
A final report will be prepared with the results of this Consultation with Civil Society. It will be posted on the web in May 2001. How to participate in this Consultation With Civil Society
1. Please read the introduction and the base document.
2. Fill in the questionnaire and send it back before March 31 2001 by clicking "submit" on the website. Instructions are included within the questionnaire.
3. Help disseminate this message among other OCS that you consider may be interested in this Consultation.
Thank you very for your participation and co-operation in advance. Your contribution will be a valuable input at the national, regional and global level.
Yours sincerely,
UNESCO Division of Basic Education
For further information please contact:
UNESCO Division of Basic Education
E: unliteracydecade@unesco.org
Against this background, we decided to launch a worldwide consultation with both governments and civil society around the United Nations Literacy Decade. The consultation with civil society is being done electronically, using e-mail and the Internet. We are sending this message by e-mail to over 600 organizations of civil society (OCS) from all over the world, and inviting them to participate in this consultation. You are one such OCS selected.
The OCS list includes among others: higher education institutions, teacher training institutes, teacher associations and other professional organizations and networks, NGOs, religious and ethnic organizations, youth and women organizations, profit nd non-profit private organizations. They are national and international OCS, working in the field of both child and adult literacy, in and out of school, doing research or involved in concrete programmes or experiences.
We have opened a special e-mail address and a special site for the UN Literacy Decade:
E: unliteracydecade@unesco.org
W: <a href="http://www.unesco.org/education/literacydecade/" target="new">http://www.unesco.org/education/literacydecade</a>
In this site you will find:
1. Introduction to the consultation
2. Base document "Literacy for All: A United Nations Literacy Decade".
3. Consultation questionnaire.
4. Reference documents related to literacy and the UN Literacy Decade, such as the UN General Assembly Resolution on the UN literacy decade, Dakar Framework for Action, and literacy rate estimates around the world.
A final report will be prepared with the results of this Consultation with Civil Society. It will be posted on the web in May 2001. How to participate in this Consultation With Civil Society
1. Please read the introduction and the base document.
2. Fill in the questionnaire and send it back before March 31 2001 by clicking "submit" on the website. Instructions are included within the questionnaire.
3. Help disseminate this message among other OCS that you consider may be interested in this Consultation.
Thank you very for your participation and co-operation in advance. Your contribution will be a valuable input at the national, regional and global level.
Yours sincerely,
UNESCO Division of Basic Education
For further information please contact:
UNESCO Division of Basic Education
E: unliteracydecade@unesco.org


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