12.06.2021 ICoD news
new member: arkin university of creative arts and design (north cyprus)

10.25.2021 ICoD news
new member: applied science university (bahrain)

09.13.2021 Member news
JAGDA name change calls in expanded disciplines

08.30.2021 ICoD news
new member: luxun academy of fine arts (china)

07.26.2021 Member news
design education issues from africa

06.21.2021 ICoD news
ICoD co-opts new executive board member michelle renee (canada)

06.21.2021 Editorial
designing for access

05.21.2021 ICoD news
new member: the association of polish graphic designers (STGU)

05.13.2021 Editorial
snapshot of current issues in design for sustainability

05.10.2021 Editorial
think twice before participating in challenges like ‘foodicons’

04.05.2021 News
in memoriam: essam abu awad (1958-2021)

03.24.2021 Editorial
the high cost of buying "design" on spec

03.22.2021 ICoD news
new member: design center of the philippines

01.25.2021 ICoD news
new member: da vinci university of guatemala (guatemala)

01.25.2021 Member news
in memoriam: michael bryce (1938-2021)

01.08.2021 ICoD news
in memoriam: rita siow (1946-2020)

10.16.2020 News
in memoriam: yu bingnan (1933–2020)

10.02.2020 News
in memoriam: patrick wallis burke (1928–2000)

10.02.2020 News
peter bankov added to ICoD's list of esteemed lifetime friends

09.25.2020 ICoD news
new member: taiwan design research institute (taiwan)

09.02.2020 Announcements
ico-D is now ICoD

08.06.2020 ICoD news
new launch: professional code of conduct for designers

08.03.2020 Announcements