bienal del cartel bolivia BICeBé 2025

From 22.11.2024 to 11.04.2025 Call for submissions
BoliviaICoD is pleased to announce the Member Event, International Poster Call 2025 and the National Design Call NODO 2025, organised by the Bienal de Diseño y Cartel Bolivia BICeBé. Submissions are open from 11 November 2024 to 11 April 2025.
Bolivia Design and Poster Biennial BICeBé presents its International Poster Call BICeBé 2025 and invites graphic designers from all over the world to participate in this important activity of the world’s poster design agenda.
BICeBé is one of the most important graphic design, communication and visual arts events in Latin America. The Main Exhibition has grown over time with inspiring content in its cultural, social and unpublished themes. In 2021 the biennial received 11.521 posters from 91 countries. However, the biennial is not limited solely to poster design.
In each version, Bolivia opens as a venue for great masters and outstanding professionals from the national and international scope with an inclusive and equitable approach. It understands that innovation, knowledge and history are the most valuable points which allow us to generate an ideal setting for reflection and projection for new generations and continuing education.
This new international call seeks the maximum expression of design and creativity and invites all ICoD members to share it within your networks with colleagues, students, educational institutions as well as cultural affairs representatives. Submissions:
BICeBé 2025 event will take place in the cities of La Paz and Cochabamba, Bolivia.
01. The participation in this call has no fee.
02. Contestants may be design students, graphic designers, plastic artists, photographers and graphic producers in general, of any age and nationality, having posters printed between April 2021 and April 2023, except for those submitting as Category D and Category F that must be unpublished posters.
03. Each contestant can submit up to ten (10) posters in categories A, B, C, D and F. Categories D and F does not accept series. Series are not counted as a single poster. Category E will accept up to two (2) motion design posters per designer.
04. Design technique is free. For Categories D and F design format must be 70 x 100 cm. VERTICAL. In Category E Motion Design Poster, proposals must have the following specs: size: 1080 x 1920 (square pixels), time: 20 seconds (30 fps), format: MP4 (h.264 / high bitrate) Maximum weight 30MB
05. Posters submitted may participate in the following categories:
Published works
Category A Cultural posters
Category B Social posters
Category C Advertising or commercial posters
Category E Motion Design Poster. Free Topic.
Unpublished works
Category D Unpublished posters on the topic: THE SECOND LIFE OF OBJECTS.
Category F Students Only (18 to 25 years old) unpublished posters on the topic: SLOW DOWN TO MOVE FORWARD.
Category D and F will only accept originals & unpublished, not previously printed or published posters (including social networks, blogs, websites or other contests).
POSTER CALL DEADLINE: Friday, April 11 2025 (23:59pm -04:00GMT)
Verónica Majluf. Peru
Götz Gramlich. Germany
Justyna Czerniakowska. Poland
Alfredo Román. Bolivia
Max Rompo. Argentina
Alejandra Salvatierra. Bolivia
A Diploma of Honor and Medal will be awarded to the First, Second and Third Place of all categories. Futhermore, Special Recognitions will be given to the Best Bolivian Poster of all categories; to the Best Bolivian Poster of Category D and to the Best Poster of Category F for Students. Awards will be announced on the way to the main event.
To read the full rules and conditions of participation please visit:
01. The participation in this call has no fee.
02. Contestants may be design students, graphic designers, plastic artists, photographers and graphic producers in general, of any age and nationality, having posters printed between April 2021 and April 2023, except for those submitting as Category D and Category F that must be unpublished posters.
03. Each contestant can submit up to ten (10) posters in categories A, B, C, D and F. Categories D and F does not accept series. Series are not counted as a single poster. Category E will accept up to two (2) motion design posters per designer.
04. Design technique is free. For Categories D and F design format must be 70 x 100 cm. VERTICAL. In Category E Motion Design Poster, proposals must have the following specs: size: 1080 x 1920 (square pixels), time: 20 seconds (30 fps), format: MP4 (h.264 / high bitrate) Maximum weight 30MB
05. Posters submitted may participate in the following categories:
Published works
Category A Cultural posters
Category B Social posters
Category C Advertising or commercial posters
Category E Motion Design Poster. Free Topic.
Unpublished works
Category D Unpublished posters on the topic: THE SECOND LIFE OF OBJECTS.
Category F Students Only (18 to 25 years old) unpublished posters on the topic: SLOW DOWN TO MOVE FORWARD.
Category D and F will only accept originals & unpublished, not previously printed or published posters (including social networks, blogs, websites or other contests).
POSTER CALL DEADLINE: Friday, April 11 2025 (23:59pm -04:00GMT)
Verónica Majluf. Peru
Götz Gramlich. Germany
Justyna Czerniakowska. Poland
Alfredo Román. Bolivia
Max Rompo. Argentina
Alejandra Salvatierra. Bolivia
A Diploma of Honor and Medal will be awarded to the First, Second and Third Place of all categories. Furthermore, Special Recognitions will be given to the Best Bolivian Poster of all categories; to the Best Bolivian Poster of Category D and to the Best Poster of Category F for Students. Awards will be announced on the way to the main event.
To read the full rules and conditions of participation please visit BICeBé's website.