26GA gwangju

From 22.10.2015 to 23.10.2015 General Assembly
South KoreaThe ICoD 26 General Assembly (26GA) was held on 22-23 October 2015, following the ICoD Platform Meetings in Gwangju, South Korea in tandem with the Eeum: "Design Connects" 2015 International Design Congress.
The biennial General Assembly of establishes the direction of the Council. Members consider and vote on policy and programmes, elect the Executive Board for the next two-year term, ratify the admission of new Member organisations and fix the location of the next General Assembly. Additionally, all Members may propose items for the General Assembly agenda in advance of the meeting.
At the biennial 26GA, ICoD Members considered and voted on policy, elected the next ICoD Executive Board and the next Audit Committee, ratified the admission of new Member organisations, as well as discussed important proposals to make ICoD better able to serve the international design community. The biennial General Assembly establishes the direction of the Council.
The 26GA was held at 9:00AM on Thursday, 22 October, and continued on Friday, 23 October. In addition to the General Assembly, a short Extraordinary General Meeting EGM was held on 22 October at 9:00 in the same Meeting room as the 26GA.
The Educational, Professional and Promotional Platform Meetings took place on 19 and 20 October 2015, during the Eeum: "Design Connects" 2015 International Design Congress.
All events were held at the Kimdaejung Convention Center in Gwangju.
Send any ICoD Event-related inquiries to Event Manager Elizabeth Carbonell events@theicod.org