02.06.2007 News
When at the very beginning the competition organisers met with the representatives of the DESIGN CENTRE OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC and the MODEL OBALY Company, which since then has been the general sponsor of the Young Package competition, they set themselves one objective, namely to provide support to young designers in their professional career. To hold a competition seemed the best way to achieve that. At the same time, however, they all realised that the competition quality would only grow with a more broad-based participation of designers from more countries. Their wish came true in 2001, when the International Council of Graphic Design Associations (Icograda) endorsed the Young Package Competition.
In the year 2000 (i.e. the year before Icograda endorsed the competition), the organisers received entries from 176 designers from three countries. In 2005, the jury evaluated works by 314 designers from ten countries. In 2007, in the 12 year of the competition, the organizers received entry applications from 425 designers from 18 countries.
It is a formidable achievement, which unambiguously attests to the rapid growth in interest in this prestigious international competition for young designers. There has been a similar increase in the quality of presentation and the quality of the entries themselves. There has also been a marked increase in number of university student entrants. In recent years, their number increased from 150 to 216.
Changes are also apparent in the structure of awarded designers. In the first years, designers from the Slovak Republic reigned supreme. Then came a period when the highest awards were won by designers from Poland. Nowadays, designers from the Czech and the Slovak Republics regularly appear among the winners. Their dominant position has so far been attacked very timidly by the "rest of the world". Asian designers have on several occasions pushed their way among the world's designer elite. In the past two years, young Canadian designers have made systematic efforts to do likewise. It would very desirable to see, in the next years, the rest of the world becoming a substantially stronger opponent of, for the time being, the supremely reigning centre of Europe.
Competition categories:
1. secondary school students
2. college and university students
3. young designers under 30
Entrants and entries in individual competition categories:
Category 1: 216 entrants (213 entries)
Category 2: 174 entrants (182 entries)
Category 3: 35 entrants (32 entries)
Participating countries:
Australia 6 entrants (6 entries), Canada 54 entrants (54 entries), Czech Republic -146 entrants (145 entries), France 2 entrants (2 entries), Germany 1 entrant (1 entry), Great Britain 1 entrant (1 entry), Iran 4 entrants (2 entries), Italy - 3 entrants (2 entries), Lithuania 1 entrant (4 entries), Poland 23 entrants (23 entries), Serbia 4 entrants (5 entries), Slovakia 161 entrants (170 entries), Spain 2 entrants (1 entry), Sweden 1 entrant (1 entry), Taiwan 3 entrants (2 entries), Turkey 2 entrants (2 entries), USA 10 entrants (5 entries), Russia - 1 entrant (1 entry)
Total number of entries: 427
Total number of entrants: 425
Participating schools
Total: 46, colleges and universities 26, secondary schools 20
Participating secondary schools: Czech Republic 13, Poland 1, Slovakia 5, Great Britain 1
Participating colleges and universities: Australia 1, Canada 2, Czech Republic 7, France 2, Germany 1, Italy 1, Lithuania 1, Poland 6, Slovakia 2, Serbia 2, USA 1
Category 1: Secondary Schools
1st place - Marta Palasova/ Czech Republic
2nd place - Viktoria Fedorkovicova/ Slovakia
3rd place and Special award of the Journal Packaging- Jakub Pospisil/ Czech Republic
Category 2. Colleges and Universities
1st place- Noemie Cotton/ Canada
2nd place- Jan kola/ Czech Republic
3rd place- Eva Benkova/ Slovakia
Category 3. Young designers under 30
1st place- Zu-Fan LIN,Yu CHIA CHANG,Yu-Cheng LIN/ Taiwan
2nd place- Petr Junek/ Czech Republic
3rd place- Natalia Frankowska/ Poland
UVU CR Special prize
Tereza Martincova/ Czech Republic
Special Award by the Jury Chairman
Set of entries by students from Universite du Quebec a Montreal, Canada
Cincera (CR), Zbynek Houska (CR), Jiri Kocandrle (CR), Zolt n Salomon
(Slovakia), Przemyslaw Gieraltowski (Poland), Vratislav Kytar (CR),
secretary of the Jury Milan Kabat (CR)
For further information please contact:
Design centrum Ceske republiky
Radnicka 2, 602 00 Brno
T. + 420 542 211 423, + 420 542 214 125
F. + 420 542 210 432
About Young Package 2007
Young Package 2007 is an Icograda endorsed event. The Design Centrum Czech Republic is an Associate member of Icograda.


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