02.01.2007 News
Background: About Icograda Design Week
Icograda Design Week is Icograda's signature event brand. It examines and promotes the role of communication design in an international context, considering both cultural and economic axes. The goal of an Icograda Design Week is to create a platform that promotes the development of the design profession and to allow Icograda members to communicate and share resources with one another. An Icograda Design Week provides a high-quality professional development, educational and networking experience for delegates.
Recent Icograda Design Week's
have been hosted in Brno (Czech Republic), Istanbul (Turkey), Sao Paulo
(Brazil), Hong Kong (China), Seattle (United States) and Tshwane (South
Africa). The events have typically attracted between 400-500 delegates
from more than 20 countries.
The mission of Icograda
Design Week is to recognise events organised by Icograda Members that
are of international calibre. It celebrates the diverse activities of
Icograda's members that use design as a medium for progressive change.
The components of an Icograda Design Week
- Icograda Design Week is hosted by an Icograda Member Association (the organiser), and its core components are:
- a conference or seminar that is international in program and vision
- a student workshop or education focussed event
In addition to these two elements, an Icograda Design Week will also include:
- a regional meeting of Icograda members and stakeholders
- a meeting of the Icograda Executive Board
Download complete information .
For further information please contact:
Brenda Sanderson
Icograda Managing Director
455 Saint Antoine Ouest, SS10
Montreal, Quebec
H2Z 1J1 Canada
T: +1 514 448 4949, x 226
F: +1 514 448 4948


in memoriam: essam abu awad (1958-2021)

in memoriam: yu bingnan (1933–2020)