Remembrances: Stig Hogdal (1914-2012)

23.02.2012 Features
Stig Hogdal (Sweden) passed away on 12 January 2012 at 98 years old. He served on the Icograda board from 1977-1979, and from 1981-1985 as President and Past President. He was the designer of the original . Friends and colleagues from the Icograda network have shared their remembrances of him throughout the last week:
During my time as Icograda President, I had the pleasure working with Stig when he served as Board Member. Stig was a kind and positive, enthusiastic and constructive person in all matters of Icograda. And a friend. I send the best wishes to his family.
Flemming Ljorring
Icograda President
Stig Hodgal I met only twice. 1987, at the Icograda conference in Amsterdam and 1988 at the 25 anniversary celebrations of Icograda in Oslo. There were my first steps on the stage as the new President Elect. During this gathering he took me aside like a father and introduced me to many colleagues from around the world, explained to me so much about Icograda and gave me a lot of advice. I will not forget him.
Helmut Langer
Icograda President
Pure crystal, natural and simplicity.
Oh the age! Wisdom.
The soul of the Nordic countries.
May he rest in peace.
Guy Schockaert
Icograda President
I unfortunately never had the pleasure of meeting Stig, but his name often and fondly came up in Icograda-related conversations during the years that I have been involved with the organisation. He surely seem to have had a long and fruitful life. May he rest in peace and let's keep his legacy alive.
Jacques Lange
Icograda President
Stig Hogdal was a man of absolute integrity and utmost professionalism. He set the highest possible standards - for himself and everyone in the organisations with which he was associated. He was formal in the manner of his time and in the tradition of his country. However, he was no cold or distant authoritarian, but instead a warm, kind, caring man with a great understanding of human nature, always willing to listen to share his wisdom and give practical help. And he was modest in respect of his own achievements. He was one of the earliest supporters of international professional cooperation amongst graphic designers and worked tirelessly with the founding members of Icograda to bring the fledgling organisation into being. He set an example and the greatest tribute to him would be that designers and design organisations would reflect on this example and reapply to the world of today.
Mary V Mullin
Icograda Secretary General
1986 - 1999
It was sad to hear that Stig Hogdal no longer is with us after a long and busy life in the design world. One of his early works is listed in the National Museum of Art, material in a book published in 1944... I knew him in the 70s as the Chairman of ABCD, The Art, Bild, Copy & Design Association of Sweden, then changing into Reklamförbundet and... now Komm, The Communication Agencies. I had the great pleasure to serve with him on the board as Vice Chair and also as international liason. We exchanged experiences, he from the design area, I from Foreign Office PR work, a good mix. His insight in working for good international relations in an increasingly global communication society was very important, expecially for a small country like Sweden, albeit with a great design history and potential. That apart, Stig, Willy de Majo and I shared many good laughs at the Icograda gatherings together with other graphic design afficionados and professionals, all great memories!
Louise Lindström
Creative Consultant/Designer


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