Registration for 2013 IDA Congress Istanbul Now Open

18.02.2013 News
Discounted rates are available for design students and professionals for congress packages for either the two-day or three-day programme. Visit the congress website to learn more about the multiple registration options and to register online.
The stimulating professional programme of the congress, organised under the theme "Design Dialects", has already started to increase enthusiasm with confirmed parallel sessions such as "Metrics of Design Awards" and "Service Design" both to be held on the first day of the Congress.
The parallel session entitled "Metrics of Design Awards" will be led by Ralph Wiegmann, the Managing Director of iF International Forum Design GmbH and Prof. Dr. Peter Zec, initiator and President of the red dot GmbH & Co. KG. and is expected to offer a heated debate on the design awards industry. Whereas "Service Design", led by Birgit Mager, Manager at Service Design Forschungszentrum, Satu Miettinen from the University of Lapland and Marc Stickdor, Service Design Lecturer and Consultant at the Management Center Innsbruck will focus on the different aspects of how design has recently become an indispensable component of the service sector.
More information about the complete congress programme will be shared on the website at a later date.
As for the Education & Research Conference, Professor Kalevi Ekman from Aalto University, Finland is confirmed as the opening keynote speaker on 15 November. EkmanÂs educational focus is on integrated product development and collaborative development of consumer and investment goods, as it relates especially to engineering and industrial design viewpoints. The conference, an open invitation to design academics all over the world to converse and collaborate as a part of the 2013 IDA Congress, received a total number of 261 abstracts from 48 countries.
For more information on the 2013 IDA Congress, please contact:
Istanbul Technical University
Department of Industrial Product Design
Allison DaCosta
Icsid Project Manager, IDA Congress
t: +1 514 448 4949 ext: 235
For more information about the Education & Research Conference, please contact:
Ms. Miray Bo?a
Education & Research Conference Secretariat
About the International Design Alliance (IDA) and its partners
Established in 2003, by the International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (Icsid) and the International Council of Communication Design (Icograda), the International Design Alliance (IDA) is a strategic venture between the international organisations representing design. The IDA serves as the collective voice for all disciplines, advocating the mutual interest of all design professions. In September 2008, the IDA welcomed the International Federation of Interior Architects/Designers (IFI) to the alliance as the third partner.
About the congress organisers (ITU)
Established in 1773, Istanbul Technical University (ITU), as a leading state university, defines and continues updating methods of engineering and design education in Turkey. It provides its students with modern educational facilities while retaining traditional academic values, as well as using its strong international contacts to mould young, talented individuals who can compete in the global arena. ITU, with its 18 150 undergraduate and 6500 graduate enrolled students, has 37 departments in 13 faculties, six different graduate schools and 11 research centers. Almost all undergraduate programs has been accredited by international bodies like ABET, EUA, NAAB, IMO. The vision of ITU is to rank among leading research universities globally.


in memoriam: essam abu awad (1958-2021)

in memoriam: yu bingnan (1933–2020)