20.10.2013 News
One of the important activities of JAGDA is awarding and recording excellent graphic designs each year. Recognizing this, JAGDA established the JAGDA Award in 2008. (The award was launched as the JAGDA Category Award in its first year.) Several highly-evaluated designs are selected for each category from works included in the Graphic Design in Japan annual. (Categories: posters; general graphics; CI, VI, symbols, logotypes, typefaces & motion logotypes; book & editorial design; package design; newspaper & magazine advertising; ambient design & spatial graphics; interactive design; video; integrated design)
Selection Process of JAGDA Award?
Prior to the judging session, this year's JAGDA Annual Committee, taking into consideration the opinions voiced to date by the JAGDA Annual Selection Committees, confirmed the following two points: 1) that once JAGDA Award would be granted in each category, and 2) that each JAGDA Award would be given to the work(s) receiving the highest number of votes in the final voting round, regardless of the spread, large or small, between that number and the number of votes received by the closest runner-up.
??In most categories, the 10 works garnering the highest number of votes in the initial round were nominated for a JAGDA Award. The following categories were exceptions: Posters, 20 nominations (owing to the large number of entries); and Video, 6 nominations. This year due to ties in the number of votes, the Posters category ultimately had 22 nominations; and General Graphics, Package Design and Integrated Design each had 12 nominations.??
Each of the 27 members of the Selection Committee was allowed to cast up to 3 votes. Exceptions were the Interactive Design and Video categories, for which only 1 and 2 votes were permitted, respectively. Voting was carried out separately for each category, anonymously by filling out printed fors, and the judges were not obligated to cast all the votes at their disposal.??
In each category, the work garnering the largest number of votes received the JAGDA Award. This year, No.002 and No.045 in the posters category as well as No.001 and No.573 in the Integrated Design category received equal numbers of votes. To break these deadlocks, a second round of voting was undertaken, with all members casting only 1 vote each. The work receiving the largest number of votes in this round was then designated the JAGDA Award winner.
Awarded Works?
Posters “PLEATS PLEASE Happy Anniversary”?
General Graphics “T.O.D.A.”?
Symbol/logos “Pocchiri”?
Book Design “Mushrooms from the forest”?Package Design “TORAYA TOKYO”
?Newspaper Advertising “LUMINE LAST OFF”?
Interactive Design “‘LOCAL READER’ Dashilar”
?Video “Design Ah”
?Ambient Design & Spatial Graphics “The 14th Yusaku Kamekura Design Award Winner Katsuhiko Shibuya Graphic Design Exhibition”
Integrated Design “The 60th anniversary of The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo”??
JAGDA Annual: “Graphic Design in Japan 2013” published on June 2013 (Publisher: Rikuyosha, Price: 15,750 Yen).?
Award Ceremony: JAGDA General Assembly 2013 on 14 June, 2013 at National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation (Miraikan), Tokyo
?Exhibition: Saturday, 15 June to Sunday, 4 August 2013 at Tokyo Midtown Design Hub
Find out more at: JAGDA Awards 2013

in memoriam: essam abu awad (1958-2021)

in memoriam: yu bingnan (1933–2020)