INDEX: leverages social media to create global conversation about design to improve life

18.08.2009 News
Copenhagen (Denmark) - Which of the INDEX: finalists should be awarded for designing to improve life? To help expand the global conversation about design to improve life, INDEX: has partnered with Facebook to promote the online voting for the INDEX:Award 2009 People's Choice Award on 20 August and to enable an online discussion during the live stream of the awards show on 28 August.
This year's partnership will help potentially further explode the voting worldwide with the Facebook Connect tool. Voters are encouraged to hit the "Connect With Facebook" button to share their interest in Design to Improve Life with their friends online. This will provide global, viral heft to the numbers of people becoming aware of Design to Improve Life, of the INDEX:Award, and of the goals we all share in a fast-changing world.
Worldwide voting begins online on 20 August at 13:00 GMT through, and on-site at Kongens Nytorv in the Danish capital on 21 August at 15:00 GMT. During the People's Choice competition, everyone can vote for their own personal INDEX: favorite to win the People's Choice Award.
When participating, voters also join the lottery for three classic Danish design gifts with an estimated value of 1,000 Danish kroner from INDEX: sponsors Georg Jensen and Royal Copenhagen.
On 28 August at 18:00 GMT, visit the website when INDEX: will be using Facebook technologies to let visitors watch the awards show on a live stream from the Danish National Broadcasting Center. Visitors will be able to chat simultaneously with their friends on Facebook.
All 69 design finalists will be on public view at the INDEX: Award Exhibition starting 21 August at Kongens Nytorv in Copenhagen, as well as on the INDEX: website.
The winner of the People's Choice Award 2009 will receive "The Egg," a chair designed by famous Danish designer Arne Jacobsen in 1958 for the Radisson SAS hotel in Copenhagen. The People's Choice Award is kindly sponsored by renowned Danish furniture manufacturer Fritz Hansen.
The winner of the People's Choice Award will be announced at that INDEX: Award Ceremony on 28 August, along with the juried winners of INDEX:Award 2009.
Making the INDEX:Award 2009 selection, this year's INDEX: Jury includes John Heskett, Chair Professor of Design at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and Dr. Milton Tan, Founding Executive Director of the DesignSingapore Council, both Icograda Member organisations. The INDEX: Jury is the very heart of the INDEX: organisation, constantly discussing, evaluating and advocating Design to Improve Life to move the expand the borders and impact of design in the world.
To make your vote on Thursday 20 August, visit:
For more information, please contact:
Njalsgade 106, 2. floor
DK-2300 Copenhagen S
T: +45 33 89 20 05
Director of Programs and Events for INDEX:, , is the elected Secretary General of Icograda and is a member of the executive committee for the International Design Alliance (IDA).
This year's partnership will help potentially further explode the voting worldwide with the Facebook Connect tool. Voters are encouraged to hit the "Connect With Facebook" button to share their interest in Design to Improve Life with their friends online. This will provide global, viral heft to the numbers of people becoming aware of Design to Improve Life, of the INDEX:Award, and of the goals we all share in a fast-changing world.
Worldwide voting begins online on 20 August at 13:00 GMT through, and on-site at Kongens Nytorv in the Danish capital on 21 August at 15:00 GMT. During the People's Choice competition, everyone can vote for their own personal INDEX: favorite to win the People's Choice Award.
When participating, voters also join the lottery for three classic Danish design gifts with an estimated value of 1,000 Danish kroner from INDEX: sponsors Georg Jensen and Royal Copenhagen.
On 28 August at 18:00 GMT, visit the website when INDEX: will be using Facebook technologies to let visitors watch the awards show on a live stream from the Danish National Broadcasting Center. Visitors will be able to chat simultaneously with their friends on Facebook.
All 69 design finalists will be on public view at the INDEX: Award Exhibition starting 21 August at Kongens Nytorv in Copenhagen, as well as on the INDEX: website.
The winner of the People's Choice Award 2009 will receive "The Egg," a chair designed by famous Danish designer Arne Jacobsen in 1958 for the Radisson SAS hotel in Copenhagen. The People's Choice Award is kindly sponsored by renowned Danish furniture manufacturer Fritz Hansen.
The winner of the People's Choice Award will be announced at that INDEX: Award Ceremony on 28 August, along with the juried winners of INDEX:Award 2009.
Making the INDEX:Award 2009 selection, this year's INDEX: Jury includes John Heskett, Chair Professor of Design at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and Dr. Milton Tan, Founding Executive Director of the DesignSingapore Council, both Icograda Member organisations. The INDEX: Jury is the very heart of the INDEX: organisation, constantly discussing, evaluating and advocating Design to Improve Life to move the expand the borders and impact of design in the world.
To make your vote on Thursday 20 August, visit:
For more information, please contact:
Njalsgade 106, 2. floor
DK-2300 Copenhagen S
T: +45 33 89 20 05
About INDEX:
A wholly owned subsidiary of the Danish Design Center (DDC), INDEX: is a global network organisation originating in Copenhagen, Denmark. Kigge Hvid, CEO of INDEX:, explains, "INDEX:'s mission is to secure high-quality Design to Improve Life internationally. Therefore we inspire, collect, advocate, communicate, evaluate, connect and discuss Design to Improve Life globally." The award is given in five categories; Body, Home, Work, Play and Community.Director of Programs and Events for INDEX:, , is the elected Secretary General of Icograda and is a member of the executive committee for the International Design Alliance (IDA).


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