03.02.2009 News
Montreal (Canada) - The Icograda IDA Taskforce, established by Icograda's Executive Board as an outcome of the 2007 General Assembly in La Habana, Cuba, is conducting a survey of Members to establish expectations of the (IDA).
To date, the Taskforce has conducted a series of discussions on this subject with representatives of Icograda's diverse member organisations. At the 10-11 January meeting of the Icograda Executive Board in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, representatives from the Taskforce presented these discussions and proposed the survey to broaden the discussion.
Using the survey results as input, the Taskforce will prepare detailed scenarios exploring structural possibilities for the IDA's evolution. Each scenario will specify the possible impact on different types of members; how it might strengthen opportunities for collaboration within the IDA; and steps required for implementation. Each scenario will include a proposed resolution for consideration by the Icograda General Assembly in Beijing, China.
The scenarios will be circulated to Members following Board approval and Members will be encouraged to seek the input of their stakeholders in advance of the General Assembly. The agenda of the General Assembly will include an inclusive discussion to foster a clear and enlightened understanding of this most important subject, concluding in official consideration of the resolutions.
At the Amsterdam meeting of the Icograda Executive Board, the importance an inclusive discussion incorporating the members of Icograda's IDA partners, Icsid and IFI, was noted by both the Taskforce and the Board. Icograda has extended an invitation to Icsid and IFI for collaboration in order to enable an effective and meaningful process.
"It is our ambition that collectively we identify scenarios having shared support of our partners in the IDA," said Don Ryun Chang, Icograda President. "Meaningful progress has been made through our members passing joint resolutions at our respective General Assemblies. A positive outcome of this process would be to have each IDA partner endorse a platform upon which we can strengthen and empower the IDA as the collective voice for design internationally."
The Icograda IDA Taskforce is composed of: Ric Grefe, AIGA (United States); David Grossman - Taskforce Chair, Israel Community of Designers (Israel); Freeman Lau, Hong Kong Design Center (Hong Kong); Spela Subic, Biennial of Industrial Design (Slovenia); Steinar Mowatt Valade-Amland, Danish Designers (Denmark).
The survey is currently available online for those interested in viewing or completing it.
For more information, please contact:
David Grossman
IDA Taskforce Chair
E: idataskforce@icograda.org
Fareed Ramezani
Icograda Membership and Communications Manager
E: framezani@icograda.org
About the IDA
Established in 2005, by founding partners Icsid and Icograda, the (IDA) is a strategic venture between the international organisations representing design. In September 2008, the IDA welcomed the International Federation of Interior Architects/ Designers (IFI) to the alliance as the third partner. The IDA serves as the collective voice for all disciplines, advocating the mutual interest of all design professions.
To date, the Taskforce has conducted a series of discussions on this subject with representatives of Icograda's diverse member organisations. At the 10-11 January meeting of the Icograda Executive Board in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, representatives from the Taskforce presented these discussions and proposed the survey to broaden the discussion.
Using the survey results as input, the Taskforce will prepare detailed scenarios exploring structural possibilities for the IDA's evolution. Each scenario will specify the possible impact on different types of members; how it might strengthen opportunities for collaboration within the IDA; and steps required for implementation. Each scenario will include a proposed resolution for consideration by the Icograda General Assembly in Beijing, China.
The scenarios will be circulated to Members following Board approval and Members will be encouraged to seek the input of their stakeholders in advance of the General Assembly. The agenda of the General Assembly will include an inclusive discussion to foster a clear and enlightened understanding of this most important subject, concluding in official consideration of the resolutions.
At the Amsterdam meeting of the Icograda Executive Board, the importance an inclusive discussion incorporating the members of Icograda's IDA partners, Icsid and IFI, was noted by both the Taskforce and the Board. Icograda has extended an invitation to Icsid and IFI for collaboration in order to enable an effective and meaningful process.
"It is our ambition that collectively we identify scenarios having shared support of our partners in the IDA," said Don Ryun Chang, Icograda President. "Meaningful progress has been made through our members passing joint resolutions at our respective General Assemblies. A positive outcome of this process would be to have each IDA partner endorse a platform upon which we can strengthen and empower the IDA as the collective voice for design internationally."
The Icograda IDA Taskforce is composed of: Ric Grefe, AIGA (United States); David Grossman - Taskforce Chair, Israel Community of Designers (Israel); Freeman Lau, Hong Kong Design Center (Hong Kong); Spela Subic, Biennial of Industrial Design (Slovenia); Steinar Mowatt Valade-Amland, Danish Designers (Denmark).
The survey is currently available online for those interested in viewing or completing it.
For more information, please contact:
David Grossman
IDA Taskforce Chair
E: idataskforce@icograda.org
Fareed Ramezani
Icograda Membership and Communications Manager
E: framezani@icograda.org
About the IDA
Established in 2005, by founding partners Icsid and Icograda, the (IDA) is a strategic venture between the international organisations representing design. In September 2008, the IDA welcomed the International Federation of Interior Architects/ Designers (IFI) to the alliance as the third partner. The IDA serves as the collective voice for all disciplines, advocating the mutual interest of all design professions.


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