Icograda Excellence Award winner announced at Zgraf 11

25.03.2012 News
Zagreb (Croatia) - The international triennial exhibition of graphic design and visual communications - Zgraf - opened on Thursday 15 March 2012. The Zgraf programme is made up of two main parts: an exhibition reviewing works completed in the past three years (since the last Zgraf exhibition); and, a thematic exhibition presenting works designed for this year's theme 'This used to be the future.' The theme is not offered as a sentence or a question, but as a crossword of notions whose different combinations may present possible starting points for investigating these questions: social, modern, common, welfare, open, for everybody, responsibility, self-initiated, potential/s.
The international jury comprising Niklaus Troxler (Switzerland), Rick Poynor (United Kingdom), Barbara deWilde (United States) and Boris Ljubièiã (Croatia) announced this year's winners including the Zgraf 11 Grand Prix winner awarded to Swiss designers Klaus Fromherz and Martin Gleel (Peng Peng) for their work Werkbeiträg.
The Icograda Excellence Award is awarded to a particular work or a series of works and may be awarded to individual authors or a group of authors for outstanding accomplishments. Zgraf has the right to award this particular award as an Icograda-endorsed event. The international jury awarded the Icograda Excellence Award to Yuri Gulitov (Russia) for his work Beach.
Radovan Jenko (Slovenia) was awarded Zgraf 1 Award for his work 'Le petit festival du thé?tre, Dubrovnik'; Ivan Antunoviã (Croatia) was awarded Zgraf 2 Award for the thematic work 'People you may know.' Zgraf Welcome Award for young designers under 26 was awarded to Hrvoje Ãivèiã (Croatia) and Dario Deviã (Croatia) for their work 'Nine Looks.'
The international jury awarded nine honourable mentions and the jury members of the Croatian section of AICA comprising Frano Dulibiã, Sandra Kriþiã Roban and Ruþica Ãimunoviã awarded a special Zgraf AICA Award.
The full list of awards is posted on the Zgraf website.
Above: Winning designs from Zgraf 11.
Line 1: Werkbeiträg (2 posters) by Klaus Fromherz, Martin Geel, Gelinda Paganini / Peng Peng (Switzerland); Nine looks by Hrvoje Ãivèiã, Dario Deviã (Croatia).
Line 2: People you may know by Ivan Antunoviã / Nieuw NDG (Croatia); Le petit festival du thé?tre, Dubrovnik by Radovan Jenko (Slovenia).
For additional information contact:
Croatian Association of Artists of Applied Arts
Preradoviãeva 44/1
10000 Zagreb
T +385 1 4576 919
F +385 1 4552 595
E zgraf@zgraf.hr
W zgraf.hr/en/
ULUPUH, the Croatian Association of Artists of Applied Arts, represents 17 different sectors: ceramics, graphic design, photography, industrial design, textile design, fashion design, theatre and film, jewellery design, architecture, horticulture, applied painting, caricature and animated films, as well as critics, restauration and multimedia. The association curates a gallery holding approximately 20 member exhibitions annually. ULUPUH also organises the International Exhibition of Graphic Design and Visual Communications (ZGRAF) triennial and the World Triennale of Small Ceramics.


in memoriam: essam abu awad (1958-2021)

in memoriam: yu bingnan (1933–2020)