Icograda Board Message

03.11.2013 News
Dear Icograda member,
This is the Board’s last message to members as we approach the General Assembly in two weeks. We hope you have had a chance to review the GA Report shared on 17 October and learn about the developments over the last term and proposals for the future in greater detail.
As this General Assembly will be of greatest importance for determining Icograda’s future direction, the Board strongly encourages all members to attend the General Assembly 17-18 November and the Pre-sessions on 16 November. Despite the late change of location from Istanbul to Montréal, your responses have been encouraging and we invite you to make last minute efforts to attend. If unable to attend, please make sure to inform Secretariat at jmilovic@icograda.org of your proxy.
All Icograda Members and delegates are cordially invited to attend a Welcome reception and Icograda Achievement Awards ceremony hosted by Mission Design, Montréal International and the City of Montréal on 17 November at 18:00 at the Hilton Bonaventure Hotel.
Since last GA, we have had many membership applications and we are happy to announce that the following new provisional members will be submitted for approval at the GA:
AIGA, The Professional Association for Design (United States)
Association of Designers of Russia (Russia)
Israel Community of Designers (Israel)
Lebanese Graphic Design Syndicate (Lebanon)
The One Club for Art & Copy (United States)
China International Design Industry Union (China)
Malaysia Design Council (Malaysia)
SABS Design Institute (South Africa)
Académie Libanaise des Beaux Arts (Lebanon)
American University in the Emirates (United Arab Emirates)
Asociación Colombiana Red Académica de Diseño (Colombia)
Manchester School of Art (United Kingdom)
Marbella Design Academy (Spain)
Ohio University (United States)
Özyegin University (Turkey)
Royal College of Art (United Kingdom)
The Design School Southern Africa (South Africa)
Tobb ETU: Visual Communication Design Department (Turkey)
OMC Design Studios (Italy)
As we approach the end of our term, the Board wishes to express their gratitude to all members for their support and contribution. We hope to see you soon in Montréal.

Iva Babaja
Icograda Secretary General 2011-2013
Report on latest IDA developments:
In response to more questions that have been addressed to us by members and stakeholders asking about the unclear IDA situation, we summarize the latest developments:
Icsid’s surprise unilateral announcement of the termination of the IDA in late August continues to create serious ramifications. As predicted, the Korean organizers of the 2015 IDA Congress Gwangju have expressed great dismay and have officially indicated that they will hold the IDA Partners liable should the Event Agreement not be fully honored. On September 23 they demanded assurances of the continuation of the IDA and the IDA brand so as to permit a 2015 IDA Congress (in which they have invested substantially). Quite clearly, if the IDA is dissolved now, there can be no IDA Congress in 2015.
In order to respond to the Koreans, in order to prevent possible litigation, and primarily in an effort to protect the massive investment in the IDA made by the international design community over the past decade, Icograda proposed on September 24 that the IDA Partners immediately change the Bylaw requiring termination should a founding partner withdraw in order to permit the remaining partners to continue the IDA. Such a move is painless to the IDA Partners in that it affects none of their current obligations. But it goes far to assure the Korean organisers and prevent litigation. It simply makes IDA continuation possible.
It is important to note that Icograda feels that this Bylaw change should be made regardless of the outcome of the Icsid GA decision on withdrawal.
Unfortunately, our IDA Partners Icsid and IFI were unwilling to make the Bylaw change within the timeline required by the Korean organizers (Oct. 28). The reasons for failing to agree to the Bylaw change are unrelated to the issues at hand. On October 31, the Korean organisers sent a legal document indicating that the process leading to a lawsuit is about to commence. This is cause for serious concern.
The Icograda Board will be reporting on the situation at the GA. As planned and announced earlier, Icograda hopes that the IDA will be able to continue, regardless of the final Icsid decision, based on needed reform proposals (that have been circulated to members in the GA Report). Icograda has also assured the Korean organisers that we fully support the 2015 IDA Congress effort and intend to fulfill our individual obligations as described by the Event Agreement. We will be seeking GA approval for these positions.
We again call on Icsid to reconsider its decision to withdraw from the IDA. And in any case, we call on Icisd and IFI to unconditionally and quickly approve the Bylaw change permitting the IDA to continue, thereby ensuring the 2015 IDA Congress, and preventing a lawsuit that would cause serious difficulties for all the IDA Partners..
The sudden unilateral Icsid IDA termination announcement has also impacted the negotiations with Montréal International on the extension of the host-city agreement for 2015-2020. This adds very serious uncertainty to IDA Partner planning and budgeting. In the face of this uncertainty, Icograda is considering the available alternatives.
This is the Board’s last message to members as we approach the General Assembly in two weeks. We hope you have had a chance to review the GA Report shared on 17 October and learn about the developments over the last term and proposals for the future in greater detail.
As this General Assembly will be of greatest importance for determining Icograda’s future direction, the Board strongly encourages all members to attend the General Assembly 17-18 November and the Pre-sessions on 16 November. Despite the late change of location from Istanbul to Montréal, your responses have been encouraging and we invite you to make last minute efforts to attend. If unable to attend, please make sure to inform Secretariat at jmilovic@icograda.org of your proxy.
All Icograda Members and delegates are cordially invited to attend a Welcome reception and Icograda Achievement Awards ceremony hosted by Mission Design, Montréal International and the City of Montréal on 17 November at 18:00 at the Hilton Bonaventure Hotel.
Since last GA, we have had many membership applications and we are happy to announce that the following new provisional members will be submitted for approval at the GA:
AIGA, The Professional Association for Design (United States)Association of Designers of Russia (Russia)
Israel Community of Designers (Israel)
Lebanese Graphic Design Syndicate (Lebanon)
The One Club for Art & Copy (United States)
China International Design Industry Union (China)Malaysia Design Council (Malaysia)
SABS Design Institute (South Africa)
Académie Libanaise des Beaux Arts (Lebanon)American University in the Emirates (United Arab Emirates)
Asociación Colombiana Red Académica de Diseño (Colombia)
Manchester School of Art (United Kingdom)
Marbella Design Academy (Spain)
Ohio University (United States)
Özyegin University (Turkey)
Royal College of Art (United Kingdom)
The Design School Southern Africa (South Africa)
Tobb ETU: Visual Communication Design Department (Turkey)
OMC Design Studios (Italy)As we approach the end of our term, the Board wishes to express their gratitude to all members for their support and contribution. We hope to see you soon in Montréal.

Iva Babaja
Icograda Secretary General 2011-2013
Report on latest IDA developments:
In response to more questions that have been addressed to us by members and stakeholders asking about the unclear IDA situation, we summarize the latest developments:
Icsid’s surprise unilateral announcement of the termination of the IDA in late August continues to create serious ramifications. As predicted, the Korean organizers of the 2015 IDA Congress Gwangju have expressed great dismay and have officially indicated that they will hold the IDA Partners liable should the Event Agreement not be fully honored. On September 23 they demanded assurances of the continuation of the IDA and the IDA brand so as to permit a 2015 IDA Congress (in which they have invested substantially). Quite clearly, if the IDA is dissolved now, there can be no IDA Congress in 2015.
In order to respond to the Koreans, in order to prevent possible litigation, and primarily in an effort to protect the massive investment in the IDA made by the international design community over the past decade, Icograda proposed on September 24 that the IDA Partners immediately change the Bylaw requiring termination should a founding partner withdraw in order to permit the remaining partners to continue the IDA. Such a move is painless to the IDA Partners in that it affects none of their current obligations. But it goes far to assure the Korean organisers and prevent litigation. It simply makes IDA continuation possible.
It is important to note that Icograda feels that this Bylaw change should be made regardless of the outcome of the Icsid GA decision on withdrawal.
Unfortunately, our IDA Partners Icsid and IFI were unwilling to make the Bylaw change within the timeline required by the Korean organizers (Oct. 28). The reasons for failing to agree to the Bylaw change are unrelated to the issues at hand. On October 31, the Korean organisers sent a legal document indicating that the process leading to a lawsuit is about to commence. This is cause for serious concern.
The Icograda Board will be reporting on the situation at the GA. As planned and announced earlier, Icograda hopes that the IDA will be able to continue, regardless of the final Icsid decision, based on needed reform proposals (that have been circulated to members in the GA Report). Icograda has also assured the Korean organisers that we fully support the 2015 IDA Congress effort and intend to fulfill our individual obligations as described by the Event Agreement. We will be seeking GA approval for these positions.
We again call on Icsid to reconsider its decision to withdraw from the IDA. And in any case, we call on Icisd and IFI to unconditionally and quickly approve the Bylaw change permitting the IDA to continue, thereby ensuring the 2015 IDA Congress, and preventing a lawsuit that would cause serious difficulties for all the IDA Partners..
The sudden unilateral Icsid IDA termination announcement has also impacted the negotiations with Montréal International on the extension of the host-city agreement for 2015-2020. This adds very serious uncertainty to IDA Partner planning and budgeting. In the face of this uncertainty, Icograda is considering the available alternatives.


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