council assembly and events to be held in kaunas (lithuania)

01.03.2022 ICoD news
The International Council of Design is pleased to announce that the 29 General Assembly (29GA) will be held on 16 October 2022 in tandem with the ICoD Platform Meeting on 15 October 2022, in Kaunas (Lithuania) as part of Kauna's year as European Capital of Culture. The events will be hosted by Member Lithuanian Design Association.
Photo: A. Aleksandravičius. Kaunas 2022
Friday 14 October 2022
Event hosted by the Kaunas European Capital of Culture under the theme "Design for Happiness" (open to the public). More details about this event will soon be released.
Saturday 15 October 2022
The 2022 Platform Meeting (open to Members and ICoD Community by invitation) is where Members meet to discuss the global topics that connect them. The Theme of PM2022 Kaunas will be Design is Possibility, exploring the endless potential design has to adapt to a changing world. We accept that design has — perhaps unknowingly or unwittingly — contributed to past evils including climate change, social inequity, cultural appropriation, exploitation and erasing. We are as culpable as any other profession, perhaps more so because what we do is mass-produced, reproduced and packaged so attractively. But ours is a profession of potential. Of hope. Of possibility. We can will what we imagine into reality. And we have a moral obligation to potentialize that.
Visit the PM2022 Kaunas event page for more information.
Sunday 16 October 2022
ICoD 29GA (open to Members only). At the biennial General Assembly, Members consider and vote on policy, elect the next Executive Board, approve the financial statements, and ratified the admission of new Members to the Council. This is a forum to discuss important proposals to better serve the international design community.
Visit the 29GA event page for more details.
Photo: Lukas Mykolaitis. Kaunas 2022
Kaunas Capital of Culture (host city)
The Lithuanian city of Kaunas is European Capital of Culture in 2022. The year of activities opened in January 2022 and will include around 40 festivals, more than 60 exhibitions, more than 250 stage events, and more than 250 concerts throughout the year. A designation that encompasses Kaunas and Kaunas District (the city, together with smaller towns surrounding it). The mission of 'Kaunas 2022' is to be a mediator and networker in this journey of change. The organisation aims at the union of cultural organisations and creators in the Kaunas region, Lithuania and Europe for a common goal: a process that reveals the diversity of European cultures and our local identity in it, which would involve local people and partners from various sectors.
The Lithuanian Design Association (Host organisation)
The Lithuanian Design Association (LDA) is an independent non-profit organisation formed by the cooperation of professional visual creators. Founded in 1996, LDA takes care on the prestige of designers' profession, stands for designers' interests in government institutions, promotes designers' creative activities, and coordinates work of miscellaneous organizations participating in design process. LDA has been a Member of the International Council of Design since 1999.
Send any ICoD Event related inquiries to Event Manager Elizabeth Carbonell


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