design is changing: 2018 platform meeting beijing recap

30.08.2018 ICoD news
(Photo credits to Alisha Piercy, ico-D)
The ico-D Platforms were created by the Council as a meeting for Professional, Promotional and Educational Members to gather in one place to share common issues and challenges. This year, was a three-day event held in Beijing (China) on 18–20 September 2018 and hosted by ico-D Member Central Academy of Fine Arts of China (CAFA) at the CAFA Campus. This year's theme was Design is Changing.
Download the programme .
ico-D Platform Meeting Beijing 2018 at CAFA Campus
Coinciding with the Design is Changing Platform Meeting, ico-D Member and host Central Academy of Fine Arts of China (CAFA) was celebrating it's 100th year anniversary.
Discussion Forums at the Platform Meeting
"This is your design council" totebags were designed using ico-D branding for PMs and produced for Platform participants by host CAFA
Member Forum: Augustina Widyani of Tarumanagara University discussed the restructuring of design education models in Indonesia
Day 01
The first day of Platforms opened with TOPIC 01 CHINA IN CONTEXT referring to the reforms and opening up of China after 1978 which gave birth to Modern Design in China. The presentation "China 40 years later: Design in China after 1978" was given by Wang Min representative of both Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA) and . This was followed by a status report on China’s creative design industry development by Zeng Hui of Beijing Design Week showing the effects of the modern transformation of traditional architecture, particularly rural architecture in China.
Wang Ziyuan (left) with Topic 01 presenter Wang Min Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA)/ Beijing Design Week (centre) and Johnathon Strebly (ico-D) (left)
Registration and signature of guest book: Lan Guo of Member Wuhan Institute of Design and Sciences.
TOPIC 02: Accreditation/Certification panel moderated by ico-D Communications Officer Alisha Piercy with ico-D Members Frank Peters of the and Johnathon Strebly of the Society of Graphic Designers of Canada (GDC) Each explored their long established system to recognise and designate professional designers in a panel discussion.
Roundtable introductions: Helge Persen Grafiill (Norway)
Rebecca Blake (ico-D) and Yanique DaCosta Graphic Artists Guild (USA)
TOPIC 05 Women in Design: Daniela Piscatelli (icoD) presented the development of the Aiap Women in Design Award encouraging women in all countries to participate.
The Discussion Forum then gathered all Members together discuss the statement: DESIGNERS ARE BAD PROFESSIONALS in hopes of unpacking as a misconception or opening to betterment. This was followed by Daniela Piscatelli (icoD) who led TOPIC 05 WOMEN IN DESIGN featuring an initiative whose aim is to recognise the contributions of women in communication design.
Discussion Forums: Members at the Platform Meeting
For TOPIC 03 LIFELONG LEARNING three current ico-D Board members—Cihangir Ístek, Desmond Laubscher and David Grossman shared insights on LLL and how design continues to improve quality of life for all, the importance of LLL for professional development and a future agenda: nine ways to engage with and to encourage LLL. MEMBER FORUM speakers included Jonas Liugaila of and Helge Persen of Grafill (Norway). The day closed with the ASEAN Regional Meeting Recap given by ico-D President Zachary Haris Ong and a look to upcoming meetings from ico-D Managing Director Ana Masut.
Topic 03: Lifelong Learning speaker and advocate Cihangir Ístek (ico-D) (right) with Essam Abu-Awad Applied Science University in Jordan (left)
Day 02
The workshop led by the NATIONAL DESIGN POLICY Work Group, for TOPIC 04, was composed of presentations, a rotating round robin session and a mash-up in which Members were asked to participate and give feedback on issues such as the purpose of NDPs, the aims of stakeholders and hoe to implement an NDP while also engaging industry.
Topic 04: National Design Policy Workshop leader Wulan Pusponego of the Indonesia Graphic Designers Association
Presenters included Bradley Schott of , Wulan Pusponegoro (Indonesia Graphic Designers Association), Rebecca Blake (ico-D), Sami Niemelä (), and Desmond Laubscher (ico-D).
National Design Policy Workshop leader Desmond Laubscher (ico-D)
The MEMBER FORUM included talks: Communicating the value of design in Indonesia by Wulan Pusponegoro (Indonesia Graphic Designers Association), Addressing sustainability challenges: Shenzhen's efforts by Xu Ting () and The value of research at FAD/ASU by Essam Abu-Awad (Applied Science University in Jordan).

And taking a tour of the CAFA Design and Art studios
Day 03
On day 03, we resumed with TOPIC 01 CHINA IN CONTEXT with a talk by Lan Cuiquin from Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology regarding China's adoption of industrial design as a national innovation strategy. The rest of the day was composed of MEMBER FORUM talks and the DISCUSSION FORUM where all participants grouped together to engage with the statement: DESIGN IS CHANGING AND DESIGNERS HAVE TO CHANGE.
Member Forum: Keith Doyle presenting on behalf of Member Emily Carr University (Canada)
Member Forum: Claire Beale Design Institute of Australia
MEMBER FORUM talks zoomed in on sustainability case studies, community-centered design, the future of skill-sets and emphasising creativity as design practice and the restructuring of design education models by Augustina Widyani (), Antonio Iadarola (Beijing Institute of Technology) Scott Mayson () and Xiewei Song (CAFA).
Member Forum: Antonio Iadarola Beijing Institute of Technology
Member Forum: Xiewei Song Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA)
Next steps for the Montréal Design Declaration were outlined, as well as ico-D's Start Young programme, followed by more talks related to design research, copyright standards and innovation curriculum that bridges traditional with new knowledge systems by Han Xu (), Yanique DaCosta (Graphic Artists Guild), Claire Beale (Design Institute of Australia), Keith Doyle (), Tony Credlan (London College of Communication) and Wang Yu ().
Zachary Haris Ong (ico-D President)
A great turn out and dynamic Platform Meeting! Thanks to all Members who came to Beijing, your participation and sharing has lasting impact. We would like to acknowledge our Member Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA) for hosting this meeting to exacting standards and for the warm welcome to their new meeting space. Happy 100 year Anniversary CAFA! An extra special thank you to ico-D Vice- President Wang Ziyuan for his inestimable support and dedication to making this meeting happen and to the support tea led by Zheng Tao for their attention and presence, great taste, and for making our event and short time in China so memorable!
Platform Meetings are a Member event. Members will be receiving a full report of the event. Stay tuned!
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