Call for submissions: Aarhus International Poster Show 2012

24.01.2012 News
Aarhus (Denmark) - The Danish Poster Museum (Dansk Plakatmuseum) seeks submission to their 'To Be Human' open international poster competition as part of the Aarhus International Poster Show 2012. The deadline for entries is 1 April 2012.
Poster artists from all over the world, professional artists as well as commercial and advertising artists, students at schools of art and design etc. are invited to create new original posters with the theme "To Be Human". The Danish Poster Museum has chosen this theme to put focus on poster art in an open world with constant challenges of human rights, nature and environment as well as wars, refugees and universal humanity.
The exhibition will take place in August 2012 in Aarhus, Denmark and include:
- An exhibition with close to 100 invited international poster artists
- The awarding of prizes for the 'To Be Human' competition
- A special exhibition of selected posters by the members of the international jury
- A Symposium with lectures by the jury members
About the 'To Be Human' competition
The Aarhus International Poster Show 2012 and the open international contest "To Be Human" are organised by a steering committee consisting of a representative of both the Danish Poster Museum, Den Gamle By, Danish poster artists and the printing trade as well as an art critic/author (of a.o. posters).
The posters to be exhibited will be selected by the organising committee.
The prize winning posters shall be selected by an international jury.
The posters will be selected by a jury of international poster artists:
- Uwe Loesch, graphic designer AGI, Germany
- Michel Bouvet, graphic designer AGI, France
- Kari Piippo, graphic designer, AGI Finland
- Gitte Kath, graphic designer Denmark
- Finn Nygaard, graphic designer AGI, Denmark
- Peder Stougaard, Director of The Danish Poster Museum
Prizes awarded for the invited exhibition
First prize receives 3000 Euro
Second prize receives 2000 Euro
Third prize receives 1000 Euro
Main conditions
- The posters must be individual works. Each entrant may submit no more than 2 posters for the contest. The text of the poster must be in English.
Size of posters: 100 x 70 cm (39.4 x 27.6 inches). - No entry for the contest part is allowed to have been awarded at another poster contest and must have been created in 2011/2012.
- Entry fee: None
For more information, please contact:
AIPS Secretariat
T +45 7026 0809
About the Danish Poster Museum
The Danish Poster Museum was founded as Peder Stougaard's private poster collection in the early 1970s and was continuously expanded into Denmark's largest private collection.
On 1 November 1993 the large poster collection was taken over by the new independent institution 'The Danish Poster Museum' (Dansk Plakatmuseum), which has since served as Denmark's only specialised museum of posters with approx. 200 special exhibitions.
In 2006 the Danish Poster Museum was formally affiliated to Den Gamle By as a specialised museum, and on 31 October 2009 the new, contemporary exhibition rooms were opened as the first step of the 'The Modern Town' expansion of Den Gamle By. In the meantime the collection has grown to approx. 400,000 posters, making it one of the most comprehensive collections in the world.


in memoriam: essam abu awad (1958-2021)

in memoriam: yu bingnan (1933–2020)