26.07.2006 News
If you would like to volunteer your work to be
featured in this global publication, please submit a proposal to UNPY
according to the following specifications.
Please submit a
maximum of two proposals: one for the cover design and/or one for the
first page of the chapter representing the region you live in.
Submissions should be sent to Mr. Fred Doulton at
deadline for submissions is 9 October 2006. If your design is chosen,
final art work would need to be received electronically and/or by mail
by 3 November 2006. for more information on UNPY and previous World Youth Reports.
Proposal Specifications
Youth Report 2007 will examine the challenges and opportunities
existing for the roughly 1.2 billion young people between the ages of
15 and 24 in the world. Distinct from the 2003 and 2005 editions, it
will provide a regional overview summarizing the major youth
development trends in the fifteen priority areas of the World Programme
of Action for Youth. The report will explore major issues of concern to
youth development, including employment, education, health, poverty and
violence. At the same time, it will highlight youth as positive forces
for development and provide recommendations for supporting their
essential contributions.
The WPAY was renewed by the UN General Assembly in 2005 and includes ten original, plus five new priority areas for action.
The original ten priorities include:
Hunger and poverty
Drug abuse
Juvenile delinquency
Leisure-time activities
Girls and young women
Full and effective participation of youth in the life of society and in decision-making
The five new priority areas include the:
Mixed impact of globalization on young women and men
Use of and access to information and technologies
Dramatic increase in the incidence of HIV infection among young people and the impact of the epidemic on their lives
Active involvement of young people in armed conflict, both as victims and as perpetrators
Increased importance of addressing intergenerational issues in an ageing society
The regions covered in the seven main chapters of the book include:
East, South and Southeast Asia
Eastern Europe and CIS Countries
Latin America
Northern, Southern and Western Europe, North America and Developed Oceania
Small Island Developing States (Pacific and Caribbean)
Sub-Saharan Africa
West Asia and North Africa
Design proposals should be submitted by e-mail ( and should include:
A sketch and/or rough draft of the proposed design
A brief written description of how your design reflects the major
themes of the report outlined above (provide a separate description for
the cover and for the regional chapter section). Note: written
descriptions should be a maximum of 100 words.
Your name, age, sex, location and contact information
Any available samples of other artwork previously published
Printing Specifications:
Designs must be created with the following additional specifications in mind:
Cover and regional chapter sections will be printed in two-color (black and another color TBD)
The cover can be two up to two pages, wrapped front and back and will be a glossy finish
Each page of the report will be 8 1/2 X 11 inches
Designs must be artist originals and should not incorporate the work of other artists
Designs may be a combination of photographs and/or other forms of original art
Designs must accommodate space for the report title and insignias,
including the UN logo, which will be provided to artists chosen
Note that the UNPY is unable to pay for the use of the art. Artists
will be credited for their work in the report, and will receive
multiple copies of the publication.
For further information please contact:
Mr. Fred Doulton
United Nations Programme on Youth


in memoriam: essam abu awad (1958-2021)

in memoriam: yu bingnan (1933–2020)